Land-use dynamics, multiple uses of a common resource


Cormas is used for geographic applications in the broad sense. Here we group together the applications concerning spatial dynamics and questions about multiple uses of a common resource.

[Didy] : multiple uses of a forest ecosystem in Madagascar (Géraldine Abrami).

[ForPast] : spatial transformations dynamics of sylvopastoral systems (Sylvie Lardon and Pierre Bommel).

[Gemace] : multiple uses of wetlands in Camargue, France (Raphaël Mathevet).

[Mejean] : pine encroachment of natural ecosystems in Lozère, South of France (Michel Etienne and Christophe Le Page).

[MoPAgrIB] : simulation of savannah landscape mosaic under shifting cultivation, North Cameroon (Nicolas Becu, Marc Deconchat, Eric Garine, Kouami Kokou and Christine Raimond).

[Nong Chok] : Land use change in a peri-urban area, Bangkok Thailand (Sk. Morshed Anwar and Frédéric Borne).

[SaintGeorges] : pasture and overgrowing brushwood in a village of Lozère, France (Emanuel Lieurain).

[Samba] : land use in North VietNam (Stanislas Boissau).

[SelfCormas] : decentralized organization of land-use in Senegal (Patrick d'Aquino, Alassane Bah, François Bousquet and Christophe Le Page).

[SpatioDyn] : spatial dynamics modelling with GIS and MAS (Muriel Bonin and Christophe Le Page).

[SylvoPast] : Sylvopastoral management and wildfire prevention in Mediterranean forests (Michel Etienne and Christophe Le Page).

[Thieul] :Multiple Uses of space Land and Resources Around a Drilling Sites in the Sahel (Ibra Toure and Alassane Bah). (in french)

[Zambeze] : land-use dynamics in the Zambeze valley (Quinton Zunga, Antoine Vagnini and Christophe Le Page).

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