
Dynamics of space transformations

Sylvie Lardon, Inra ; Pierre Bommel, Cirad Interface de ForPast

The ForPast model studies the dynamics of the landscape transformation. It aims to simulate the interactions between vegetation and grazing dynamics. It is the shape and the evolution of spatial objects generated by these dynamics that we put at the heart of the modeling. We have shown the influence of initial vegetation configurations and spatial grazing strategies on the control of scrub.

We analyze how the conjunction of various dynamics produces specific spatial configurations:

2 dynamics

The ForPast model represents a grid of cells whose states can change at each time step (time and space are discretized). We formalized a hierarchical system to represent the space at different levels of aggregation, from the cell to the landscape through level 1 aggregates (grove type) and level 2 (the forest):

Differents niveaux spatiaux

For more information, contact the author.

See also: Bommel P., Lardon S., 2000. Un simulateur pour explorer les interactions entre dynamiques de végétation et de pâturage. Impact des stratégies sur les configurations spatiales. Revue Internationale de Géomatique. Numéro spécial : SIG et simulations. Editions Hermès. pp 107-130. (PDF)

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