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[Fwd: Agent Based Simulation 2005 Call for Papers]

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Subject: [Fwd: Agent Based Simulation 2005 Call for Papers]
From: Pierre Bommel (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2005 - 16:44:34 CET

Apologies if you receive this more than once.
 **** CALL FOR PAPERS ****
Special Session on Intelligent Agents in Computer Games
at the Agents in Simulation Conference 6, Toowoomba, Qld., Australia
April 3 - 6, 2005
Computer gaming environments provide an excellent basis for intelligent
agent research whether they are being designed and developed just for
games or for a broader purpose. In return the research helps to
strengthen the use of agents in computer game products. The aim of this
session is to gather both academic and games industry professionals who
program and research intelligent agent technologies to present and
discuss their ideas. Submissions are encouraged from games programmers
and developers and agent and AI researchers. Topics include, but are not
limited to,
Teamwork and coordination
Learning and adaptation
Human interaction and communication
Non-Player Character modeling
Believable and emotional agents
Games and AI standards
Important Dates:
Submissions Due: Jan 30, 2005. (an extension may be granted if
abstract submitted by this due date)
Camera Ready: 7 March, 2005.
For more information contact:
Visit: for submission

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