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acceding to social entities attributes

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Subject: acceding to social entities attributes
From: LAPERRIERE Vincent - UMR3S (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 11:27:34 CEST

good morning,

It is easy to get spatial entities attributes by double-clicking directly on the cells or
the aggregates.

However it is not so easy to have direct access to the agents attributes. It is not
possible to double-click on the shape representing a located agent. One may define local
point of views on the agents, but I don't arrive to do it when these attributes are
qualitative. Furthermore, how can I know which id. correspond to which located agent?

I am waitinig your advice.

Best regards, Vincent.

Vincent Laperrière
DEA Structures et Dynamiques Spatiales
stagiaire UMR 3S Cemagref
500, rue JF Breton
34093 Montpellier cedex 5

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