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Special Issue: Agents Organizations, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JCBS

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Subject: Special Issue: Agents Organizations, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JCBS
From: Francois Bousquet (
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 15:18:56 CEST

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Olivier Boissier []
Envoyé : mardi 18 mai 2004 21:27
À :
Cc : sichman
Objet : Appel à Soumission JBCS : Special Issue AgentsOrganizations

     Call for Articles
              Special Issue: Agents Organizations
    Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JCBS)
                                ISSN 0104-6500




Agent organizations are an emergent area of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)
that relies on the notion of openness and heterogeneity of MAS and poses
new demands on traditional MAS models. These demands include the
integration of organizational and individual perspectives and the
dynamic adaptation of models to organizational and environmental
changes. Organizational self-design will play a critical role in the
development of larger and more complex MAS. As systems grow to include
hundreds or thousands of agents, we must move from an agent-centric view
of coordination and control to an organization-centric one. Practical
applications of agents to organizational modeling are being widely
developed but formal theories are needed to describe interaction and
organizational structure. Furthermore, it is necessary to get a closer
look at the relation between organizational roles and the agents that
fulfill them.

The overall problem of analyzing the social, economic and technological
dimensions of agent organizations, and the co-evolution of agent and
human social and personal structures in the organization, provide
theoretically demanding, interdisciplinary research questions at
different levels of abstraction. Organizational research is increasingly
recognizing the advantage of agent-based and other AI models for gaining
insight in organizational issues and in exploring dynamic processes and
configurations. On the other hand, organizational research has been
active in the field of organizational modeling for many years, and has
developed insights and theories that are very useful for MAS

Recognizing the importance of the research in this area, the Journal of
the Brazilian Computer Society is organizing a special issue on agents
organizations. The primary focus of this special issue will be on
high-quality original unpublished research, case studies, as well as
implementation experiences.

The topics of this issue include, but are not limited to:

Modeling multi-agent organizations
Formal theories for roles, authority, delegation, empowerment, and
entitlement in agent organizations
Deontic aspects in agent organizations
Social aspects of agent organizations
Organization design, monitoring, and adaptation
Coordination models and devices in agent organizations
Communication and interaction in agent organizations
Engineering organizational coordination
Scaling and control issues in agent organizations
Application of organizational theory to MAS
Simulation, analysis and verification of dynamics of multi-agent
Dynamic, adaptive and emergent organizational structures and dynamics
Practical application examples for (aspects of) agent-organization
Applications of agent organizations to knowledge management, CSCW,
workflow, etc.
Implementation and tools for agent organizations
Human-computer interaction in agent organizations



The Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society is the formal quarterly
publication of the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (Brazilian
Society), Brazil. Its aim is to publish original research papers,
as a forum for disseminating innovative research in all aspects of
science. The priorities of the journal are quality and timeliness. The
also has an electronic version with free access through the Scielo



Submissions must be in English and should be no more than 20 pages long,

including all text, figures and references. The final manuscript should

approximately 8000 words in length.


Page 1 should contain the article title (not more than 15 words),

affiliation(s), keywords (not more than 6 keywords), abstract (no more

250 words) and the name, fax number and complete mailing address (both

and email) of the person to whom correspondence should be sent. All

contributions will be acknowledged and refereed.

Please, send your submissions (pdf files) by email to,

with the Subject: JBCS Submission – Agents Organizations, according to
the schedule




Submission due date: 31/10/2004

Notification of acceptance: 01/02/2005

Camera-ready paper due: 15/03/2005

Publishing: 06/2005





Jaime Simão Sichman

Intelligent Techniques Laboratory (LTI)

Computer Engineering Department (PCS)

Polytechnic School (EP)

University of São Paulo (USP)

Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 158 travessa 3

05508-900 São Paulo SP



Phone: +55 11 30915397

Fax: +55 11 30915294


Cristiano Castelfranchi

Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC)

National Research Council (CNR)
Viale Marx 15

00137 Roma


Phone: +39 06 86090235

Fax: +39 06 824737


Virginia Dignum

Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (ICS)

University Utrecht

Centrumgebouw Noord

Padualaan 14, De Uithof

3584CH Utrecht


Phone: +31 30 2539492

Fax: +31 30 2513791



Olivier BOISSIER		
Systemes Multi-Agents	       tel    : +33 4 77 42 66 14
G2I - ENSM.SE	               fax    : +33 4 77 42 66 66
158 cours Fauriel	e-mail :
42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 02

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