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Re: acceding to social entities attributes

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Subject: Re: acceding to social entities attributes
From: Jean-Christophe Soulie (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 11:36:46 CEST

Dear Vincent,

If your agent is located in a cell, you easily find it. Indeed, just
click on the cell and then you can access to your agent thanks to the
"theOccupants" attribute. This attribute collects all the agents located
in its cell. It is a dictionary and the key is the agent class name.

For instance, if you have an agent "Fireman", the attribute
"theOccupants" may look like in what follows:

theOccupants : Dictionary (#FireMan->OrderedCollection () )

With best regards,

J.-C. Soulié

LAPERRIERE Vincent - UMR3S wrote:

> good morning,
> It is easy to get spatial entities attributes by double-clicking
> directly on the cells or the aggregates.
> However it is not so easy to have direct access to the agents
> attributes. It is not possible to double-click on the shape representing
> a located agent. One may define local point of views on the agents, but
> I don't arrive to do it when these attributes are qualitative.
> Furthermore, how can I know which id. correspond to which located agent?
> I am waitinig your advice.
> Best regards, Vincent.
> Vincent Laperrière
> DEA Structures et Dynamiques Spatiales
> stagiaire UMR 3S Cemagref
> 500, rue JF Breton
> 34093 Montpellier cedex 5

Jean-Christophe Soulié
Laboratoire d'Informatique du Littoral
Maison de la Recherche Blaise Pascal
50, rue Ferdinand Buisson - BP 719
62228 CALAIS Cedex

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