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Re: Emergence

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Subject: Re: Emergence
From: Francois Gillet (
Date: jeu jan 18 2001 - 13:10:19 CET

On 17.1.2001 19:27, "Stanislas.Boissau@Alg.VLK.WAU.NL"
<Stanislas.Boissau@Alg.VLK.WAU.NL> wrote:

> It just emerged from the web (let's hope it's a second order emergence)...
> the debate must go on...

Another sound ideas about emergence in self-organizing systems can be found
in Eric Schwarz's metamodel. Here is a summary:

Indeed, the debate must go on!


François Gillet Maître assistant Laboratoire d'écologie végétale Institut de Botanique Université de Neuchâtel Emile-Argand 11 CH-2007 NEUCHATEL Switzerland

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