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Re: emergence

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Subject: Re: emergence
From: francois bousquet (
Date: jeu jan 18 2001 - 10:59:32 CET


For me a good reference is:
Gilbert, N. (1995). Emergence in social simulation. Artificial societies.
The computer simulation of social life. R. c. a. N. Gilbert, UCL Press:

One interesting paper we produced on that topic is
Bonnefoy, J. L., C. Le Page, et al. (2000). Modelling spatial practices and
social representations of space using multi-agent systems. Applications of
simulation to social sciences. G. Ballot and G. Weisbuch, Hermes.

"Our example uses spatial representations to model the interactions between
the path taken by shepherds who graze their flocks in the undergrowth and a
forestry resource, with the aid of spatial representations. The grazing is
actively controlled, to a greater or lesser extent, by the individual or
collective representations which are built up during the simulation,
integrating the successive states of the forestry resource between savannah
deterioration and re-growth. In the model of interactions, the
representations act as mediator between the agents and the common resource.
Here, however, the representations are individual or collective
constructions that come from spatial practices during the simulation instead
of being common references established a priori as in the case of religious
practices, for example. Thus, in the model, we consider three elements that
interact dynamically: individuals' spatial practices, individual
representations of space and collective spatial representation. These three
elements interact as time goes by in the machine and the individual
practices and representations simultaneously ensue from the collective
representation and influence it." ....
"Collectively, the agents decide on the restrictions that they impose on
themselves for using an environment, they adapt individually to these social
restrictions and, thus, transform their common environment, then strengthen
or change the social rules depending on their degree of satisfaction."

----- Original Message -----
From: <Stanislas.Boissau@Alg.VLK.WAU.NL>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:39 PM
Subject: emergence

> Hi all,
> I am looking for the author and the reference which deals with first and
> second order emergence, first order emergence designating the emergence of
> properties/patterns at the macro level from interactions at the micro
> and second order emergence implying an idea of circular causality between
> micro and macro levels.
> This is maybe also an opportunity to launch a debate on this list...
> Thanks for your help
> Stan
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Stanislas Boissau
> Communication and Innovation Studies
> Wageningen University
> Hollandseweg 1
> 6706 KN Wageningen
> Netherlands
> tel: (+31) 317 48 25 51
> e-mail:
> room #223

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