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Re: Cormas random

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Subject: Re: Cormas random
From: Pierre (
Date: Wed Aug 12 2009 - 00:01:22 CEST

Hello Jean-Emmanuel,

Cormas random answers a pseudo-random value between ]0;1], according to
the RandFishmanMoore equation.
So, in 1000000 tests, there is some chance to get 1.0, but never 0.0.
Example : doing the following code :
| i num |
 i := 0.
10000000 timesRepeat: [i := i + 1. num := (CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas
num = 3 ifTrue:[self halt].
num = 0 ifTrue:[self halt]].

the run will halt after a very high number of loops (3136338,
4786337,... in my cases), but won't stop for 0.
If you only want random integers between [0 ; 3[, I propose this :
    (Cormas random * 2.99999) ceiling
ceiling "Answer the integer nearest the receiver toward positive

If you put 3 instead of 2.99999, you will have 4 some (very few) times.
This is due to floating point arithmetic errors (see : : some
times the result may be 3.0 (Float) but it could be 3.0000000827d in
double precision, then ceiling answers 4 !
Testing for 10 M loops :
| integer result num |
    result := Array withAll: #(0 0 0).
10000000 timesRepeat: [num := (CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas random * 2.99999).
integer := num ceiling.
result at: integer put: (1 + (result at: integer))].
CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas println: result printString.

'''#(3333565 3333132 3333303)'''
'''#(3332332 3333208 3334460)'''
 If you change 2.99999 for 3, you will have a "subscript out of bounds"
exception, one time every 1000000 loops...

Best regards,

Jean-Emmanuel Rougier a écrit :
> Hi All,
> I do apologize in advance if my question is a newbie one, but as I am
> totally new in the fantastic world of Cormas...
> I am using the Cormas random procedure in order to have random numbers
> (yes).
> So, I use exactly the formula : (Cormas random*n) truncated.
> To obtain uniform distribution of random numbers from the sequence
> {0,1,2,...,n-1}
> Of course, as Smalltalk is full of tricks for a newcomers that comes
> from C/C++, I tested it.
> And some time to time I obtain n (in my tests, 3 for 1000000 calls).
> Which is totally impossible.
> So...
> Where is the trick?
> Thanks !
> Jean-Emmanuel Rougier,
> Associé-Gérant,
> logo-lisode-petit <>
> 361 rue JF Breton
> BP 5095
> 34196 Montpellier Cedex 5
> <>
> +33 (0) 4 67 04 63 51
> +33 (0) 6 62 67 51 33

Pierre Bommel - CIRAD - UR Green
UnB - Faculdade de tecnologia.
Departamento de engenharia mecânica
Campus universitário Darcy Ribeiro
Asa norte   	Brasília - DF
tel : (00 55 61) 3208 3405
cel : (00 55 61) 8122 2878

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