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Re: error following tutorial no. 2

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Subject: Re: error following tutorial no. 2
From: Claude Monteil (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2007 - 08:01:15 CEST

A 15:41 30/07/2007 -0400, jun b. a écrit :
>I tried to follow the steps outlined in Cormas tutorial no 2. When
>reaching page 13, I am supposed to copy the script shown on that page to
>the source tab after creating the "biology" protocol. I tried to copy the
>script as faithfully as I could. But then when I tried to save it
>(accept) a message that says "eat is a new message" appears. I attach a
>snapshot of the screen. Can someone help me on this?

Hello Jun,
you have to accept one method at a time. Keep only the 3 first line
(starting with harvestRate) and accept: the method harvestRate is then
memorized. Then, write the 5 lines for the method eat and accept. And so on.

>Content-Type: application/msword; name=snapshot.doc
>X-Attachment-Id: f_f4rd6ipq
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="snapshot.doc"

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