The Cormas2004 new features


Cormas 2004 contains :

  • A Collector that automatically collects the new entities creating during the simulation runtime. These new entities are stored by the Collector and added to theXXXs at the end of each time step. The useless entities (dead ou destroyed) are also removed at this moment. This version is compatible with your old models (in that case, the collector do nothing and your model is working like previously).
    To use the Collector, you must call the method
    • "newEntity: aClass" (ex: self newEntity: Restrained) or
    • "newAndCollect: aCollector" (ex: Restrained newAndCollect: self collector).
  • A tool to easily add some comments on your model. This tool pops up when you create a new model, but you can also open it with Help -> change comments)
  • Possibility to save heavy analysis in Excel: as soon as there is more than 256 columns, data are transposed in lines in Excel.
  • When you ask for a super class (ex: self allEntities: Animal), you get all the instances, even those from subclasses (thePreys + thePredators).
  • A updateCormas menu, reloading a new parcel (cormas.pcl to be saved in the Cormas directory).
  • You can take snapshots or movies of the Cormas grid. This option requires QuickTime and a DLL file (JunWinQT.dll) to be saved in Disk:\VW7.3\bin\win directory.

VisualWorks 7.4

The Cormas2004 version works with the most recent version of VisualWorks: 7.4.1.
The new advantages of this version are consequently present in Cormas2004.


Two new tutorials are available.

A User's guide will be available soon, describing architecture of Cormas and explaining the main classes and methods.

Installing Cormas2004

If you never install Cormas on VW7, go on the page of complete installation.

If you have already install a previous version of Cormas2003 or 2004 on VW7, just upgrade to the current version.

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