Cormas Frequently Asked Questions



Cormas Installation Some trouble to make Cormas run under Windows

1. Copy the vw30 sub-directory of the CD on your hard disk (I assume C:\).
2. Go into C:\vw30\Cormas and verify the properties of the and cormas.cha files (they should NOT be read-only !!! Please uncheck the read-only button if necesseray).
3. Idem for the whole C:\vw30\Cormas\Models sub-directory (uncheck "Read-Only" for all the files there)
4. Double-click on C:\vw30\Cormas\ Windows then is requesting the executable file to open this kind of *.im files. Click on "Others" and browse to select the file visual.exe in the C:\vw30\bin sub-directory.
5. Once VisualWorks is open, from the main VisualLauncher window, in the "File" Menu, select "Set VisualWorks Home". Sometimes by default it is set to C:\vw30\Cormas. It should be C:\vw30. Correct it if necessary.

Here you can find an easier way to install Cormas on Win.

Model installation Where should I save a model I have downloaded ? Often, the model you get, is a zip file. You must unzip it into the directory VW3/cormas/Models.
A new directory with the same name as the model is created. It contains the ".st" file and other subdirectories
point of view problem

When trying to change the pov, I have this kind of message: 'Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #includesKey:' UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: Legend>>addLegend:location: Legend>>majLegendes: GrilleModele>>majPdv: .....

Export and import your model...
For new pov to be taken into account in the legends, the two files and myModel.ev need to be analyzed, which is done when importing a model...

This bug has been corrected; see here

Programming points of view ? Can I program the choice of a points of view ?

Yes. It is necessary to give new value to the "activePov" attribute of the metaclass Entity. For example, if you want to switch randomly the pov on the cells every 5 steps, you must add the following block in the step:t method of the XXX model :
t \\ 5 = 0 ifTrue: [ XXX_Cell activePov: (Cormas selectRandomlyFrom: XXX_Cell pdvDict keys).
"update the text of the grid bar"
self space interface updateName.
"to force the display of all the cells"
self theXXX_Cells do: [:c | c defineVisualState; show]].

Programming the grid size ? Can I program the size of the grid ?

Yes, but just in the first instruction of the init method (just after having opened the grid, if not the information contained in the cells can be lost). For ex:
self gridSizeCol: 50 line: 20. self initCells.
... then add the following method :
gridSizeCol: nbOfCol line: nbOfLine
self space interface colonne value: nbOfCol.
self space interface ligne value: nbOfLine.
self space interface actionValideDimensionGrille


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