Cormas Parcel

If you have never installed Cormas in the VisualWorks environment, you should go to the full install page.

Current version: December, 2005

Loading a new Cormas Parcel

  • Download the archive file and unzip it into Disk:\VW7.3\cormas\ (overwrite the existing files: cormas.pcl, cormas.pst and the "Messages" directory).
  • Open
  • Close all windows (... except the main one : VisualLauncher, of course),
  • Menu -> Tools -> Cormas -> update Cormas
  • If "Update Cormas" menu does not exist, please go there...
  • That's all ! Do not forget to save your image

This new version makes it possible to take snapshots and films of the Cormas grid (this option requires QuickTime and a DLL file (JunWinQT.dll) to be saved in Disk:\VW7.2\bin\win directory).

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