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TR : draft call for WCSS08 host

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Subject: TR : draft call for WCSS08 host
From: Bousquet (
Date: Mon Dec 05 2005 - 14:01:26 CET

> The European Social Simulation Association (ESSA)
> The North American Association for Computational Social and
> Organizational Science (NAACSOS)
> The Pacific Asian Association for Agent-based Approach in Social Systems
> Research (PAAA)_
> _
> Invitation for Bids to Host
> the 2008 World Conference in Social Simulation
> _
> __ <>_
> The three regional scholarly societies in the field of social simulation
> have begun planning for the second World Conference on Social
> Simulation. The first World Conference is to be held in Kyoto, Japan
> from the 21st to the 25th August, 2006. The web site is at
> The second conference will
> be held in 2008.
> The three associations have formed a Steering Committee to organise
> WCSS-08. The first task of the Steering Committee is to select a venue
> for the conference. The venue should be
> * attractive and pleasant to visitors
> * have easy access by public transport
> * be able to accommodate several hundred conference participants.
> WCSS-08 will be held either in North America or in Europe. The dates
> for the conference will be determined in consultation with the host
> institution.
> Bids to host WCSS-08 will be accepted by the Steering Committee until
> the 31st January 2006. Such offers should
> * address the main criteria stated above
> * identify the key members of the proposed local organisation
> committee
> * describe the institutional or other support available to ensure
> that the local committee will be able to function efficiently and
> effectively.
> Bids should be sent, preferably by email, to Scott Moss. If deemed
> appropriate, hard copy may be sent by post to the address below.
> The members of the Steering Committee are:
> For ESSA: Scott Moss. Juliette Rouchier
> For NAACSOS: Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, David Sallach
> For PAAA: Takao Terano, Hiroshi Deguchi
> --
> Professor Scott Moss
> Director
> Centre for Policy Modelling
> Manchester Metropolitan University
> Aytoun Building
> Manchester M1 3GH
> telephone: +44 (0)161 247 3886
> mobile: +44 (0)7740 942564
> fax: +44 (0)161 247 6802

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