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[CallForPaper] MABS'06

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Subject: [CallForPaper] MABS'06
From: Pierre Bommel (
Date: Sat Dec 03 2005 - 20:38:43 CET

> Seventh International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation
> MABS'06
> To be held at Future University-Hakodate, Japan
> Co-located with the
> Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
> Multiagent Systems AAMAS 2006
> <Presentation>
> The Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS) workshop is the seventh of a
> series
> than began in 1998. Its scientific focus lies in the confluence of
> social
> sciences and multi-agent systems, with a strong applicational/empirical
> vein, and its emphasis is stressed on (i) exploratory agent based
> simulation
> as a principled way of undertaking scientific research in the social
> sciences and (ii) using social theories as an inspiration to new
> frameworks
> and developments in multi-agent systems. The excellent quality level
> of this
> workshop has been recognised since its inception, and so its
> proceedings
> have always been published by Springer-Verlag, in the Lecture Notes
> series.
> The workshop is in part a continuation of the International Workshop
> series
> on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS). More information about MABS
> can be
> found at
> <Aims and Scope>
> Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS) is an inter-disciplinary area which
> brings together researchers active within the multi-agent systems (MAS)
> community and the agent-based social simulation (ABSS) community. The
> focus
> of MAS is on the solution of complex engineering problems related to
> the
> construction, deployment and efficient operation of agent-based
> systems,
> while the focus of ABSS is on simulating and synthesizing social
> behaviors
> in order to understand real social systems (human, animal and even
> electronic) via the development and testing of new theories.
> As evidenced at previous MABS workshops, the MAS and ABSS communities
> have
> much to learn from each other. For example, the MAS community has
> developed
> agent-based systems that employ sophisticated and elaborated mechanisms
> (i.e., rich internal models) to solve complex problems, but these
> techniques
> are also useful for addressing sociological issues of cooperation,
> trust and
> power hierarchies from the social science viewpoint. In constant, the
> community has studied and developed techniques and models for real
> would
> societies such as companies or economy and they are tested and
> validated
> using experimental data, but these models are also useful for real
> world
> applications from the engineering viewpoint. This suggests that the
> communication between MAS and ABSS communities has a potential of
> deriving
> methods that overcome their week points each other.
> To promote these cross-influence, the MABS workshop focuses on both the
> ideas coming from computer science as a new technology to provide
> insights
> into ABSS community and the ideas coming from social sciences as new
> metaphors to provide insights into MAS community. For this purpose,
> the MABS
> workshop tackles the issues described in the following section.
> Finally, the
> workshop will provide a forum for social scientists, agent researchers
> and
> developers and simulation researchers to assess the current state of
> the art
> in the modelling and simulation of MABS, identify where existing
> approaches
> can be successfully applied, learn about new approaches and explore
> future
> research challenges.
> <Topics>
> Topics of interest of the workshop include:
> (1) general issues
> - Agent and environment modeling
> - Standards for simulators including inter-operability
> - Self-organization, scalability, robustness issue in MABS
> - MABS applications
> - Methodologies and techniques that link MAS and ABSS works
> (2) MAS issues
> - Grid-computing for MABS
> - Visualization and analytic tools
> - Managing interactions in large-scale systems
> - Simulation languages and formalisms
> - Complexity
> (3) ABSS issues
> - Formal and agent-based models of social behavior and social order
> - Social structures and norms
> - The emergence of cooperation and coordinated action
> - Cognitive modeling
> - Agent-based experimental economics
> <Target Audience>
> The workshop will be of interest to researchers in the modelling and
> analysis of multi-agent systems, and researchers who are interested in
> applying agent-based simulation techniques to real-world problems.
> <Important dates>
> Submission deadline: January 15, 2006
> Notification of acceptance: February 19, 2006
> Final pre-workshop version deadline: March 10, 2006
> Workshop event: May 8 or 9, 2006
> <Publication>
> All accepted papers will be published in a workshop note and
> distributed
> among participants during the workshop. We are negotiating with
> Springer the
> possibility of a post-publication as a LNAI or LNCS volume, as it was
> the
> case with the all previous editions of this workshop. Preliminary
> schedule
> of the post-proceedings process:
> Second reviewing: July 2006
> Revised camera-ready papers: September 2006
> Publication: December 2006
> <Submission Guidelines>
> A PDF file containing the paper should be e-mailed to
> by
> the 15th of January 2006. The paper must be in Springer LNCS format
> (see
> and no longer than 12
> pages.
> <Organising Committee>
> Luis ANTUNES (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
> Keiki TAKADAMA (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
> <Tentative Program Committee (To be confirmed)>
> - Frederic Amblard (Universite Toulouse 1, France)
> - Robert Axtell (The Brookings Institution, USA)
> - Joao Balsa (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
> - Francois Bousquet (CIRAD/IRRI, Thailand)
> - Jose Castro Caldas (ISCTE, Portugal)
> - Cristiano Castelfranchi (IP/CNR, Italia)
> - Shu-Heng Chen (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
> - Sung-Bae Cho (Yonsei University, Korea)
> - Claudio Cioffi-Revilla (George Mason University, USA)
> - Helder Coelho (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
> - Paul Cohen (USC Information Sciences Institute, USA)
> - Rosaria Conte (IP/CNR Rome, Italy)
> - Ernesto Costa (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)
> - Paul Davidsson (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
> - Jim Doran (University of Essex, UK)
> - Tom Dwyer (UNICAMP, Brasil)
> - Alexis Drogoul (IRD, France)
> - Nigel Gilbert (University of Surrey, UK)
> - Nick Gotts (Macaulay Institute, Scotland, UK)
> - David Hales (University of Bologna, Italy)
> - Matt Hare (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
> - Rainer Hegselmann (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
> - Wander Jager (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
> - Marco Janssen (Indiana University, USA)
> - Satoshi Kurihara (Osaka University, Japan)
> - Juan Pavon Mestras (Universidad Complutense Madrid Spain)
> - Scott Moss (University of Manchester, UK)
> - Akira Namatame (National Defense Academy, Japan)
> - Emma Norling (University of Melbourne, Australia)
> - Paulo Novais (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
> - Jean-Pierre Muller (CIRAD, France)
> - Mario Paolucci (IP/CNR Rome, Italy)
> - Juliette Rouchier (Greqam(CNRS), France)
> - David Sallach (Argonne National Lab and University of
> Chicago, USA)
> - Keith Sawyer (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
> - Jaime Sichman (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
> - Carles Sierra (IIIA, Spain)
> - Liz Sonenberg (University Melbourne, Australia)
> - Oswaldo Teran (University of Los Andes, Venezuela)
> - Takao Terano (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
> - Jan Treur (Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, The
> Netherlands)
> - Klaus Troitzsch (University of Koblenz, Germany)
> - Stephen Turner (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
> - Harko Verhagen (Stockholm University, Sweden)
> - Manuela M. Veloso (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
> - Gerard Weisbuch (Ecole Normale Supirieure, France)
        Pierre Bommel - CIRAD - UR Green
        Universidade de Brasilia - CDS
        SHIS QI 26, Conjunto 15, Casa 18
        Brasilia DF
        tel: (00 55 61) 3367 3405

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