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Re: bug in Cormas

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Subject: Re: bug in Cormas
From: Pierre Bommel (
Date: Mon Nov 28 2005 - 22:15:48 CET

Hi Christophe,

I have no idea of this strange error !
I don't think it is a Cormas bug. Does anybody already get this ?
How did you create your new attribute ?


Le 28 nov. 05, à 14:59, Christophe Simon a écrit :

> Hi,
> I need a help to solve a bug in Cormas. When I try to add a new
> attribut (instanceVariableName) to a social entity of my MAS, I
> receive a message from Cormas
> "Message not understood: #body
>  Do you want to continue ?
>  Yes         No"
> Then, when I click on the No button, appears a new message
> "Message not understood: #instanceBehavior
>  Do you want to continue ?
>  Yes         No"
> If somebody knows what it means and how to solve it, thanks for
> helping me.
> Christophe Simon
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        Pierre Bommel - CIRAD - UR Green
        Universidade de Brasilia - CDS
        SHIS QI 26, Conjunto 15, Casa 18
        Brasilia DF
        tel: (00 55 61) 3367 3405

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