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re : Technical issues for implementing my model

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Subject: re : Technical issues for implementing my model
From: Francois Bousquet (
Date: Tue May 03 2005 - 04:59:58 CEST




Hello Morshed



The study area is around 6,000 sq. km in size. I suppose the model will be
represented as raster dataset. The resolution (cell size) of the model will
be less than or equal to 100m X 100m. Is it technically feasible to handle
such a large dataset in Cormas environment?


[Bousquet] 600,000 cells is possible with Cormas


I know GIS dataset can to exported and imported back into CORMAS to develop
the environment for the model. Is it possible to use real coordinates
(longitude and latitude) of GIS datasets?


Or I have to use only (X, Y) coordinates of the environment to refer any
point in the environment. I might need to use GPS data from Marine Park. In
that sense, is there any way to work with GPS dataset?

[Bousquet] I do not know about longitude and latitude in GIS but I know that
you can import in Cormas data coming from different format ( shp, rst, img,
grd). These files include coordinates of the map imported. I suppose that
within the GIS you use there is possibility of conversion of your
coordinates to export in one of those formats.

The header of those files include the coordinates of the corners of the
grid. Your GPS data could then be transformed


I would greatly appreciate your feedback.


Sk. Morshed Anwar

Geocomputing Laboratory

Department of Geography

University of Montreal



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