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Subject: new publication
From: Kathrin Happe (
Date: Mon Apr 25 2005 - 16:58:50 CEST

Dear collegues,

I'd like to inform you that the thesis of Kathrin Happe (written in
"Agricultural policies and farm-structures - agent-based modelling and
simulation" is now available for download from

Kathrin Happe

The development of competitive and efficient agricultural structures has
been one of the central goals of agricultural policy making in addition
to ensuring a fair standard of living for farmers. To achieve these
goals, the agricultural sector in most industrialised nations has long
been the subject of government interven­tions. However, many
agricultural policies have worked counteractively to these goals by
creating distortions in the use of resources. Against this background,
the emergence of new and innovative modelling methods such as
agent-based models, in addition to ever-in­creasing computing capacities
has offered new possibilities to model adjustment reactions and to
quantify the impact of agri­cultural policies. This thesis takes up
these new methodologies and applies them to the modelling and evaluation
of agricultural policy impacts on regional struc­tural change. At the
centre of the thesis is the development of the spatial and dynamic
simula­tion model of regional agricultural structures AgriPoliS
(Agricultural Policy Simulator). The core of AgriPoliS is the
understanding of a regional agricultural structure as an agent-based
system, i.e., a system of interacting heterogeneous agents. The thesis
contributes to a deeper un­derstanding of struc­tural change dynamics
and factors causing structural change. It is studied whether and to what
extent policy changes can facilitate structural adjustment towards a
more efficient and competitive agricultural structure.

Kathrin Happe 
Institute of Agricultural Development in
Central and Eastern Europe
Theodor-Lieser-Str. 2
06120 Halle (Saale), Germany
phone: ++49 (0)345 2928 322
fax: ++49 (0)345 2928 399

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