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Fwd: EUMAS 203

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Subject: Fwd: EUMAS 203
From: BARRETEAU Olivier (
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 13:49:33 CEST

>From: Marie-Pierre Gleizes <>
>Subject: EUMAS 203
>Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 21:08:06 +0200
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>Bonjour à tous
>Je vous invite à soumettre à ce nouveau workshop.
>St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford (UK)
>18th and 19th December, 2003
>In the last 15 years we have seen a significant increase of interest in
>agent-oriented technology. This field is now set to become one of the
>key technologies in the 21st century and will underpin much of the next
>generation of computing that seeks to address issues in Ambient
>Intelligence, Pervasive Computing, Grid Computing, the Semantic Web,
>E-Commerce and many other areas. It is therefore crucial that both
>academics and industrialists within Europe have access to a forum at
>which current research and application issues are presented and
>The aim of this first European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems is to
>encourage and support activity in the research and development of
>multi-agent systems, in academic and industrial European efforts.
>Multi-agent systems are computational systems where agents cooperate or
>compete with others to achieve some individual or collective task and
>topics include:
>Ambient Intelligence
>Grid Computing
>Semantic Web
>Autonomy Social Ability
>Applications Communication
>Economic Models
>Logical Models
>Proactivity Negotiation
>Tools Standards
>Those interested in participating in the workshop should submit either a
>paper (of no more than 5000 words) describing relevant preliminary or
>completed work to be presented at the workshop, or a statement of
>interest, consisting of a single page description of research interests
>and current work, to be used to encourage discussion and to ensure
>maximum contribution and participation.
>The workshop has no formal proceedings; it is intended primarily as a
>forum for interaction and discussion. Submissions concerning work that
>has recently been or will be at relevant international conferences are
>particularly welcome.
>All submissions should include: author's name(s), affiliation,
>(complete) mailing address, phone and fax number, and e-mail address.
>The submission should be sent in PDF or PS format by email to
> by 3rd October.
>Mark d'Inverno, University of Westminster (UK)
>Carles Sierra, AI Research Institute (E)
>Franco Zambonelli, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (I)
>Cristiano Castelfranchi, Istituto di Psicologia CNR (I)
>Paul Davidsson, Blekinge Institue of Technology (S)
>Boi Faltings, EPFL (CH)
>Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool (UK)
>Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Université Paul Sabatier (F)
>Barbara Keplicz, Warsaw University (PL)
>Michael Luck, University of Southampton (UK)
>John-Jules Meyer, Utrecht University (NL)
>Pablo Noriega, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (E)
>Eugenio Oliveira, Universidada do Porto (P)
>Michal Pechoucek, Czech Technical University (CZ)
>Gerhard Weiss, Technical University of Munich (D)
>Steven Willmott, Universidad Politecnica de Catalunia (E)
>Submission Deadline 3rd October
>Notification to Authors 31st October
>Early Registration 14th November
> (PDF - PS, 5000 Words, no more than 2Mbytes)
>Eduardo Alonso (E)
>Bernhard Bauer (D)
>Carole Bernon (F)
>Olivier Boissier (F)
>Magnus Boman (F)
>Vicent Botti (E)
>Hans-Dieter Burkhard (D)
>Giacomo Cabri (I)
>Monique Calisti (CH)
>Helder Coelho (P)
>Ulises Cortes (E)
>Massimo Cossentino (I)
>Yves Demazeau (F)
>Giovanna Di Marzo (CH)
>Frank Dignum (NL)
>Juergen Dix (UK)
>Bruce Edmonds (UK)
>Tomas Eiter (D)
>Jacques Ferber (F)
>Klaus Fischer (D)
>Jos Manuel Fonseca (P)
>Ana Garcia Serrano (E)
>Marie-Pierre Gervais (F)
>Paolo Giorgini (I)
>Martin Fredriksson (S)
>Manuel Hermenegildo (E)
>Sverker Jansson (S)
>Nick Jennings (UK)
>Antonis Kakas (CY)
>Stefan Kirn (D)
>Matthias Klusch(D)
>Vladimir Marik (CZ)
>Maurizio Martelli (I)
>Peter McBurney (UK)
>Pericles Mitkas (GR)
>Joerg Mueller (D)
>Gregory O'Hare (IR)
>Andrea Omicini (I)
>Sascha Ossowski (E)
>Terry Payne (UK)
>Paolo Petta (A)
>Jeremy Pitt (UK)
>Giovanni Rimassa (I)
>Juan A. Rodriguez (E)
>Jeff Rosenschein (IS)
>Michael Schroeder (UK)
>Amal El-Falah Segrouchni (F)
>Onn Shehory (IS)
>John Shepherdson (UK)
>Simon Thompson (UK)
>Paolo Torroni (I)
>Wiebe Van der Hoek (UK)
>Laszlo Zsolt Varga (HU)
>Rineke Verbrugge (NL)
>Cees Witteveen (NL)
>Mike Wooldridge (UK)
>Submissions exceeding 2Mbytes will be silently rejected by the mailing
>system. Contact the program chair if this is your case.

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