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TR: Fellowship announcement

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Subject: TR: Fellowship announcement
From: Francois Bousquet (
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 08:31:22 CEST

-----Message d'origine-----
 De la part de Nigel Gilbert


A reminder that the deadline for our annual international fellowship in
social research methods is 29 September. See below for details. The
fellowship is aimed at scholars with interests in social research
methodology who are based outside the UK.

Apologies for any cross-posting

University of Surrey Institute of Social Research


The Institute of Social Research at the University of Surrey, Guildford,
United Kingdom, has established a Visiting International Fellowship to
foster the development of sociological research methods. Between one and
three Fellowships are awarded by competition each year.

The awards are open to those who would value the opportunity to advance
methodological understanding, for example by reflecting on methods used in
previous empirical research, by validating existing or new methodological
procedures, or by reviewing and synthesizing methodological approaches.
'Methods' may be interpreted widely, to include, for example, statistical
techniques and conversation and discourse analysis.

Applications from female and ethnic minority candidates are particularly

An honorarium of £2,000 will be paid (it is expected that award-holders will
normally be on paid leave of absence from their employment). Award holders
will be expected to pay their own travel costs to Guildford and their
accommodation and subsistence for the duration of their award, which should
be for one or more visits with a duration of at least one month in total.
Visiting International Fellows will become honorary Research Fellows of the
University and be entitled to use the University Library and make use of
University facilities. The holder is usually permanently resident outside
the United Kingdom.

The Institute of Social Research of the Department of Sociology at Surrey
provides research expertise and research methods for the application of
social research to contemporary society. It promotes high methodological
standards and new developments in methodology for the social science
research community. ISR is well known for the work of CAQDAS, the ESRC
supported centre for Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software,
the Centre for Research on Simulation in the Social Sciences (CRESS), and
the Social Survey Question Bank associated with CASS, the ESRC Centre for
Applied Social Surveys, and is well known for its work on the secondary
analysis of large data sets and online research methods.

Recent recipients have included David De Vaus (La Trobe), Ed Brent
(Missouri), Gary Shank (Duquesne), and Elisabetta Ruspini (Padua).

Applications should be sent to Agnes McGill, Administrator, Institute of
Social Research, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey Guildford,
Tel: +44(0)1483 689450
Fax: +44(0)1483 689551

Applications must be received by 29th September 2003 for visits during the
calendar year 2004. Applications should describe in no more than 500 words
the activity to be carried out during the Fellowship and should be
accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae and the names, postal address,
telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of two referees. Applicants
may find it helpful to contact the Institute to discuss their application
before submitting it. Collaborative research with members of the Institute
is especially welcome.

More information about the International Fellowship, the Institute of Social
Research and the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey is
available on our www site


Department of Sociology
University of Surrey
Surrey GU2 7XH, UK

Joint Directors: Professor Nigel Fielding and Professor Martin Bulmer

Associate Director: Professor Roger Tarling Institute Administrator: Ms
Agnes McGill

Tel+44 (0)1483 689450Fax + 44 (0)1483 689551email:


Professor Nigel Gilbert, Editor, Journal of Artificial Societies and
Social Simulation, <>.
Centre for Research on Simulation in the Social Sciences (CRESS),
Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
Tel:+44 1483 689173 Fax:+44 1483 689551
Simulation resources at <>

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