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Fw: RASTA'03 - announcement

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Subject: Fw: RASTA'03 - announcement
From: francois_bousquet (
Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 12:10:08 CET

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mario Paolucci" <mario.paolucci@KATAMAIL.COM>

| Apologize please for multiple copies.
| We encourage you to circulate this directly to your colleagues.
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------

| First announcement for RASTA03
|                     Call for papers and participation
|    Second International Workshop on Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems:
|                    Theories and Applications (RASTA'03)
| Workshop date: 23 June, 2003
| in connection with ICAIL 2003
| the Ninth International Conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and LAW
| 24 - 28 June, 2003 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| The wide range of social theories offers many different solutions to
| problems found in complex (computer) systems. Which theories, to apply how
| and when is a major challenge. In developing agents and
| computer scientists have used sociological terms like negotiation,
| interaction, contracts, agreement, organisation, cohesion, social order,
| collaboration.
| The realisation that the behaviour of societies cannot fully be explained
| macro-theories only, and the progress made in agent technology opened the
| way to new models of societies in which both macro-theories and
| micro-theories are incorporated. However, the integration of these
| is still insufficient. The development of the socionics research area and
| the increased interest in dynamics of behaviour and structures of or
| agents in hybrid organisations requires the investigation of new modelling
| concepts.
| When looking at the actually implemented systems many difficult challenges
| have to be solved with respect to the behaviour and the relationships
| the involved and implemented entities of a system. Especially the
| introduction of norms and institutions in the social world has helped to
| organize our world. The transfer of these concepts into the field of MAS
| seems to be a promissing direction. At the same time the complete
| understanding of establishment of norms and institutions still needs
| research. Most interesting is that MAS are now seen as a good vehicle in
| terms of metaphors, concepts, and tools to support this research
| Social networks have been a good tool to provide an effective tool for
| sociologists studying individual behaviors in a complex social system and
| testbed for the study and evaluation of artificial agent societies. The
| mutual dependencies between organizations and their personal / artificial
| actors is a demanding testbed for theories and applications of MAS.
| The way to approach all these challenges can be from theoretical,
| experimental, empirical, prototypical, applied etc. work. We expect to
| again many different directions which will lead to an interesting
| during and after the workshop as last time in Bologna at the AAMAS.
| Main topics of interest: (for the detailed list see
| - Social theories relevant for the development of agent systems from the
|   fields of Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Law, Economics,
|   Cognitive Sciences, Organizational Sciences, or Game Theory
| - Social concepts and models of
|   compositionality, communication, coordination, and cooperation
| - Emotions
| - Cognitive/neural grounding of social behavior
| - Social background of agents theories
| - Agents and Law
| - Role of social theories in agent systems
| - Norms and Institutions in MAS
| - Reputation and reputational systems on the web
| - Social simulation and its relationship to electronic institutions
| - Applications like: knowledge management, reputation management, and
|   computer supported collaborative learning and working
| - Formal foundations, e.g. verification and validation
| - Empirical studies
| Timetable:
|   Deadline for submissions: March 12, 2003
|   Notification of acceptance: April 12, 2003
|   Deadline for final papers: May 13, 2003
|   Workshop: June 23, 2003
| In case of any questions, please contact us:
| Best regards,
| Gabriela Lindemann
| Daniel Moldt
| Mario Paolucci

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