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Fw: JASSS: Vol. 5(4) published

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Subject: Fw: JASSS: Vol. 5(4) published
From: francois bousquet (
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 14:02:20 CET

> The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
> ( published the fourth issue of Volume 5
> on October 31st.
> JASSS is an electronic, refereed journal devoted to the exploration and
> understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation. It
> is located at <>. It is freely
> available, with no subscription.
> =================
> In this issue, Deffaunt et al provide new results on the dynamics of
> opinion change in a society of agents having continuous (i.e. ranging
> over a continuous scale) opinions, exploring the circumstances in
> which extreme opinions can spread through a population. Analogies
> can be drawn between their results and the influence of early Nazis in
> Germany or of radicals in Islam. Stocker et al are also concerned
> with opinion dynamics, showing how complex systems models can be used
> to investigate the effects of various parameters (including the number
> of layers and the number of links per node) in hierarchical and
> scale-free network structures. Lepperhoff simulates asynchronous,
> computer-mediated negotiations in groups in order to identify the
> influence of negotiation parameters such as the duration of the
> negotiation, the nature of the task and the voting scheme used. Hales
> extends a series of papers on the effects of norms, many of which have
> been previously published in JASSS. His focus in this paper is on the
> role of the normative reputations of groups (a form of social
> stereotyping) and how such reputations might support the maintenance of
> social norms that are beneficial to the society as a whole, although in
> conflict with individual self-interest. Gatherer models the evolution
> and differentiation of cultural traits in societies and compares his
> model with data from anthropological data derived from Murdock's
> Ethnographic Atlas.
> In the Forum section, Laurie Brown and Ann Harding review the work
> using micro-simulation that they and colleagues have been doing in
> Australia to contribute to the development of social security, welfare
> and health policies.
> Six recent books are reviewed in the Book Reviews section.
> =================
> Refereed articles
> =================
> Guillaume Deffuant, Frédéric Amblard, Gérard Weisbuch and Thierry Faure
> How Can Extremism Prevail? A study based on the relative agreement
> interaction model
> Niels Lepperhoff
> SAM - Simulation of Computer-mediated Negotiations
> Rob Stocker, David Cornforth and T. R. J. Bossomaier
> Network Structures and Agreement in Social Network Simulations
> David Hales
> Group Reputation Supports Beneficent Norms
> Derek Gatherer
> Identifying Cases of social Contagion Using Memetic Isolation:
> comparison of the dynamics of a multisociety simulation with an
> ethnographic data set
> =================
> Forum: Discussion papers and work in progress
> =================
> Laurie Brown and Ann Harding
> Social Modelling and Public Policy: Application of Microsimulation
> Modelling in Australia
> =================
> Book Reviews
> =================
> Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference
> (ECAL '99)
> Edited by Dario Floreano, Jean-Daniel Nicoud and Francesco Mondada
> Reviewed by Colin Johnson
> Tools for Land Use Analysis on Different Scales with Case Studies for
> Costa Rica
> Edited by Bas A. M. Bouman, Hans G. P. Jansen, Robert A. Schipper, Huib
> Hengsdijk and André Nieuwenhuyse
> Reviewed by Steven M. Manson
> The Edge of Organization: Chaos and Complexity Theories of Formal
> Social Systems
> Russ Marion
> Reviewed by Russ Marion
> The Predictors: How a Band of Maverick Physicists Set Out to Beat Wall
> Street
> Thomas A. Bass
> Reviewed by H. Van Dyke Parunak
> Dynamics of Organizations: Computational Modeling and Organization
> Theories
> Edited by Alessandro Lomi and Erik R. Larsen
> Reviewed by Pietro Terna
> The Dynamics and Evolution of Social Systems: New Foundations of a
> Mathematical Sociology
> Jürgen Klüver
> Reviewed by A. Maurits van der Veen
> =================
> The new issue can be accessed through the JASSS home page:
> <>
> The next issue wil be published at the end of January 2003.
> Submissions are welcome: see
> <>
> =================
> You may also be interested in EXYSTENCE, a European Union supported
> 'Network of Excellence' for
> Complex Systems, which maintains a news page at:
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Professor Nigel Gilbert, Editor, Journal of Artificial Societies and
> Social Simulation, <>.
> Centre for Research on Simulation in the Social Sciences (CRESS),
> Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
> Tel:+44 1483 689173 Fax:+44 1483 689551
> Simulation resources at <>

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