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Books list in MAS and AGModels

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Subject: Books list in MAS and AGModels
From: Bernardo Paz Betancourt (
Date: jeu oct 18 2001 - 05:53:55 CEST

Here is the books list that I promess :
(we are buying almost all of them)
Sincerly Bernardo.

Dr. Paz:
Kluwer Academic Publishers publishes a series in Systems Analysis for
Agricultural Development. I co-edited a book called "Understanding options
for agricultural production." You can find more information about this book
and related books on modeling at the ICASA web site <>Kind regards,
Gerrit Hoogenboom

Hello Bernardo,
Last June, a book came out entitled Food Process Modelling.
I presume you are primarily interested in models on growing. Some examples
in that book on that subject are included.
The main emphasis is on type and development of models for agriculture in
It might be interesting to you.
You can find more (technical) info at:
Click on Food product development.
Pol Tijskens

One good recent (2000) reference edited by agricultural economists with
that perspective in mind is:
Research on Agricultural Systems: Accomplishments, Perspectives and Issues.
Edited by Jean Philippe Colin and Eric W. Crawford. Nova Science Publishers
An excellent book from 1993 is:
Agricultural and Environmental Resource Economics.
Edited by Gerald A. Carlson, David Zilberman and John A. Miranowski.
Oxford University Press (New York & London).
Both of these books dwell on economic theoretical models at different
scales and how those are applied to important topics in agricultural and
natural resource policy & management.
Scott Swinton
Dept. of Agricultural Economics
Michigan State University

I would recommend:
Arthur, W., Durlauf S., Lane D. The economy as an evolving complex system
II. SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Addison-Wesley. XXVII, 1997
Epstein, J. and Axtell, R., Growing Artificial Societies. Social Science
from the Bottom Up, Brookins Institution Press/ The MIT Press, 1996
Ferber, J., Multi-Agent Systems : an Introduction to Distributed Artificial
Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, 1999
Kohler, T. A. and Gumerman, G. J. Dynamics in Human and Primate societies.
Agent-based modeling of social and spatial processes. Santa Fe Institute
studies in the sciences of complexity, Oxford University Press, 2000
Weiss, G. Multiagent Systems : a Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial
Intelligence, MIT Press: 619, 1999
Holland, J., Hidden Order. How Adapdation Builds Complexity, Addison-Wesley,
I post it to the list because I would like to know what the other members
would recommend
François Bousquet

'Adaptive Behaviour' , Vol7, Number 3/4. Special Issue on animats, software
agents, and adaptive systems.
Gavin Fleming MSc
GIS Specialist / Environmental Modeller
CSIR: Environmentek
Box 395, Pretoria, 0001
t: 012 841-2489 f: 012 841-2028

Bernardo Paz Betancourt: I am happy to recommend a relatively new
book titled, "Agricultural Systems and Modeling", published by
Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. It is edited by myself and Dr. R. Bruce Curry.
It is mainly about modeling the physiological growth of crops, and also
livestock and forage systems, but economics are included in some of these.
There is also a chapter on Linear Programming.
I realize this is probably a biassed recommendation, but we are rather
proud of the book. I will send you another message with more details,
when I am at my office with the material available. Also, to be honest,
I think it is rather expensive.
Yours sincerely, Robert M. Peart

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