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RE: Form about the next plateform

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Subject: RE: Form about the next plateform
From: Pablo Gomez Mourelo (
Date: jeu oct 11 2001 - 22:47:43 CEST

I think we should change to java or c++; it is much more 'standard' and that
is always convenient.
C++ has a very very efficient management of the computer resources, which is
very desirable when you try to simulate interactions of many agents QUICKLY.


&&&>-----Mensaje original-----
&&&>De: Stanislas Boissau []
&&&>Enviado el: jueves, 11 de octubre de 2001 13:49
&&&>Para:; cormas
&&&>Asunto: Re: Form about the next plateform
&&&>Hi all,
&&&>I see an important question about the new Cormas2 platform
&&&>which I would
&&&>like to raise in this forum: should we keep it on VisualWorks and thus
&&&>Smalltalk language or change for another language??
&&&>It seems that many computer scientists find SmallTalk slow,
&&&>backward or not
&&&>fashioned (compared to Java for example). As I am not myself a computer
&&&>scientist and do not know any other language, I would like to
&&&>launch the
&&&>discussion on two points:
&&&>1- how is smallTalk compared to other languages from a computer science
&&&>point of view?
&&&>2- even if other languages perform better than smallTalk,
&&&>should we develop
&&&>Cormas in another language?
&&&>On the first point, I have absolutely no idea, but for the
&&&>second point, I
&&&>think that most of the Cormas users at this time are not computers
&&&>specialists, have made the effort to learn this language in
&&&>order to use
&&&>Cormas and are maybe not ready to learn another one... Further
&&&>more, even
&&&>if smallTalk is slower than other languages, how many of the models
&&&>developed so far need to run faster? I think that most of the models
&&&>developed aim at being as simple as possible (KISS) and don't
&&&>really need
&&&>more power. If someone wants to make very complicated models
&&&>which need a
&&&>lot of power, I think s/he should have the skills to do it in another
&&&>language with another platform maybe.
&&&>In summary, all I want to say is keep Cormas an easy to use
&&&>tool with which
&&&>you can develop a model in a few days before throwing it to the
&&&>Looking forward to hear from others
&&&>At 16:11 05/10/01, Pierre Bommel wrote:
&&&>>============= English version ===================
&&&>>Dear all,
&&&>>Cormas is evolving step by step. Each year we propose a new evolution
&&&>>and we are planning to deliver a new one early 2002. Each of these
&&&>>evolution proposes new methods, pieces of code, simplifications.
&&&>>A part from this "natural evolution" of a tool, since a little
&&&>while and
&&&>>with the integration in the team of two computer scientists, we are
&&&>>planning the conceptualisation and preparation of a new platform :
&&&>>Cormas 2. The idea is to go beyond the "step-by-step" improvement of
&&&>>Cormas. Cormas 2 would be delivered in 2003. We naturally have already
&&&>>many ideas about it, but we wish to share this project with all the
&&&>>current users of Cormas. For this purpose, we subject you a brief
&&&>>survey. This form aims at drawing up an inventory of your requests or
&&&>>regrets. It is conceived to take the minimum of your time. Please, do
&&&>>not hesitate ! You can answer it either in French, or in English... or
&&&>> The Cormas team
&&&>>------------------------- form ---------------------------
&&&>>1 - Do you use (or did you use) Cormas: - regularly - from time to time
&&&>>- never ?
&&&>>2 - Did you already test other multi agents simulation platforms of ?
&&&>> If so, which one ?
&&&>> Their advantages:
&&&>> Their disadvantages:
&&&>>3 - What are the points which you apreciate in Cormas?
&&&>>4 - What are the missing tools in Cormas?
&&&>>5 - What are the Cormas's main weaknesses ?
&&&>>6 - In your most crazy dreams, how would you imagine the
&&&>platform of the
&&&>>future ?
&&&>>7 - What are your comments on this idea of preparing a new platform,
&&&>>parallel to the improvement of Cormas ?
&&&>>Thank you.
&&&>>============= version française ===================
&&&>>Bonjour à tous,
&&&>>Cormas continue d'évoluer pas à pas et chaque année, nous proposons une
&&&>>nouvelle version. Nous projetons d'ailleurs de livrer la
&&&>prochaine début
&&&>>2002. Chacune de ces évolutions apporte de nouvelles méthodes, des
&&&>>modifications et des simplifications.
&&&>>En marge de cette "évolution naturelle", avec l'arrivée dans notre
&&&>>équipe de deux informaticiens, nous projetons, depuis quelques
&&&>temps, la
&&&>>conceptualisation et la préparation d'une nouvelle plate-forme : Cormas
&&&>>II. L'idée est d'aller au delà une amélioration pas à pas de Cormas.
&&&>>Cormas II devrait être livré en 2003.
&&&>>Bien sûr nous avons déjà beaucoup d'idées, mais nous
&&&>souhaitons partager
&&&>>ce projet avec tous les utilisateurs actuels de Cormas. A cette fin,
&&&>>nous vous soumettons un petit sondage. Ce formulaire vise à dresser un
&&&>>état des lieux de vos demandes ou regrets. Il est conçu pour prendre le
&&&>>minimum de votre temps. N’hésitez pas ! Vous pouvez y répondre soit en
&&&>>français, soit en anglais... soit les deux !
&&&>> The Cormas team
&&&>>------------------------- questionnaire ------------------------
&&&>>1- Vous utilisez (ou vous avez utilisez) Cormas : - régulièrement -
&&&>>de temps en temps - jamais ?
&&&>>2- Avez-vous déjà testé d'autres plateforme de simulation
&&&>multi agents ?
&&&>> Si oui, lesquelles ?
&&&>> Leurs avantages :
&&&>> Leurs inconvénients :
&&&>>3- Quels sont les points que vous appréciez dans Cormas ?
&&&>>4- Quels sont les outils qui vous manquent dans Cormas ?
&&&>>5- Quels sont les principales faiblesses de Cormas ?
&&&>>6- Dans vos rêves les plus fous, comment imagineriez-vous la plateforme
&&&>>du futur ?
&&&>>7- Avez-vous des commentaires concernant la préparation d'une nouvelle
&&&>>plateforme, parallèlement à l'amélioration de Cormas ?

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