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Strange questions...

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Subject: Strange questions...
From: Louise Erasmus (
Date: mar mai 22 2001 - 15:37:01 CEST

Dear all...

... please help if you can...

1. I realise that this is a very imaginative question to ask, but is there
any way that VisualWorks can run on a Sillicon Graphics Unix machine?

2. Does anyone have some really novel tips for memory management / program
optimisation? I have a serious memory problem... (Virtual memory, I mean...)

3. When I export my model from Cormas menu, it overwrites the Cormas code
with random fragments (and I really mean FRAGMENTS) of my model's code, so
that I need to reinstall Cormas from scratch. I guess I must have
overwritten some method, but what?

4. There is this compiler window that jumps up at unpredictable moments. I
don't really know what to do with it, or why it appears, but when I close it
I have to restart VisualWorks.

5. Sometimes when I'm browsing or debugging, I get this error window that
jumps up that my source file is invalid. I've checked and double checked my
file and VisualWorks home settings. The problem, where ever it is, is not

6. What's with this automatic decompilation of my code? I mean - when the
names of my temporary variables in my program's code are automatically
changed to t1, t2, t3 etc. - and often this changes the code as well, and in
such a way that the program does completely different things from what was
originally intended when I wrote it.

Sorry - computer literacy wasn't compulsory in undergrad zoology...

Kind regards

Louise Erasmus

Centre for Environmental Studies / Department of Zoology and Entomology
University of Pretoria

Tel. +27 12 420 4048
Fax +27 12 420 3210

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