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Space methods

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Subject: Space methods
From: Deb Cleland (
Date: Thu Jul 29 2010 - 03:24:53 CEST

Please see the following from Miko, best Deb

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a VW application and I need to change some of the behaviors
that are inherently provided by Cormas. By any chance, does anyone know
where I can find the method that instructs the space interface to open the
VW inspector window when left-clicked? I’ve checked the SpaceInterface
class, but I only found the method that’s for opening the inspector window
when the openCormasModel is selected from the Tools menu. Are there other
ways by which I can override this aside from changing the codes in Cormas?

Thanks for any help!

Deborah Cleland
PhD Student
Fenner School of Environment and Society
College of Medicine, Biology & Environment
Room 2.05, Building 48a
Australian National University
Canberra, A.C.T.  0200
p: +61 2 6125 8150
m: (fil)    +63 9 155 074 050
     (aus) +61 408 283 852

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