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Re: Spatial Grid managment

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Subject: Re: Spatial Grid managment
From: Pierre (
Date: Tue Mar 30 2010 - 05:26:53 CEST

Olá Serge,
We have done a (little) step further on this version with Christophe and
Nicolas this month. Now, our plan is to work together in July during and
after the Cormas Advanced session in Montpellier.
We have also planed to put Cormas2 on the Public Repository with open
source licence at that moment. But we had thought it would be better to
put a stabilized version to facilitate future developments based on a
cleaner image. But perhaps it is the wrong way to do...? We are not yet
accustomed to work in open source.
On va y arriver, si si !!!

Serge Stinckwich a écrit :
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:56 PM, Pierre <> wrote:
>> Olá Jean-Max,
>> Normaly you don't have to refresh specificaly the spatial grid.
>> It is automaticaly done at the moment where a modification occures, at the
>> condition that the setter attribute method is written in that way :
>> monAttribut: nouvelleValeur
>> monAttribut := nouvelleValeur.
>> self defineVisualState; show
>> Moreover, this "defineVisualState; show" will be replaced by "self changed"
>> in the next Cormas version...
> Hi Pierre,
> any plan for the new version ? ;-)
> Maybe a first step might be to have a public repository for
> development if you want to attract more people.
> Regards,

Pierre Bommel - CIRAD - UR Green
UnB - Faculdade de tecnologia.
Departamento de engenharia mecânica
Campus universitário Darcy Ribeiro
Asa norte   	Brasília - DF
tel : (00 55 61) 3208 3405
cel : (00 55 61) 8122 2878

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