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Re: Cormas Windows7 installation error

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Subject: Re: Cormas Windows7 installation error
From: Pierre (
Date: Tue Jan 26 2010 - 14:22:43 CET

Helo Julien,
I do not have Windows 7 and I can not check the bug. Does anyone from
the list encounter the same error ??
Thank's in advance,

Julien Dugré a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> I just installed Cormas for the first time on Windows7 and everything
> went well. Until I try to actually run Cormas, I get an error message
> (see below).
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks!
> Unhandled exception: This message is not appropriate for this object
> CompositeLocale class(Object)>>error:
> CompositeLocale class(Object)>>shouldNotImplement
> CompositeLocale class>>set:
> Locale class>>set:
> CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class>>openInterface:WithLanguage:
> CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class>>openFr
> VisualLauncher>>openCormasFr
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(MenuBarButtonController)>>dispatchMenuSymbol:
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(MenuBarButtonController)>>dispatchMenuSelection:
> optimized [] in Win95MenuBarButtonController>>menuBarActionForMenu:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(Win95MenuBarButtonController)>>menuBarActionForMenu:
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(MenuBarButtonController)>>menuBarAction
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(MenuBarButtonController)>>redButtonPressedEvent:
> RedButtonPressedEvent>>dispatchTo:
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(Controller)>>handleEvent:
> EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to:
> EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:
> RedButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatch
> RedButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatchForWindowManager:
> optimized [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager:
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager:
> WindowManager>>processNextEvent
> optimized [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> optimized [] in WindowManager>>newProcess
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> CompositeLocale class(Object)>>error:
> Receiver:
> a CompositeLocale class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = Object
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[32]
> format = 16386
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[2]
> organization = ('time and number utilities' #printAsCurrency:
> #printAsNumber: #printAsTime:policyNamed: #readDateFrom:
> #readNumberFrom:type: #readTimeFrom: #readTimestampFrom:)
> ('accessing' #collationPolicy #compoundTextEncodeOrder #currencyPolicy
> #cutPasteEncoding #defaultEncoding #defaultPaperSize
> #defaultStreamEncoder #ignoreSerifEncodings #languageAndTerritory
> #languageID #lookUp: #name #needsInputMethod #numberPolicy
> #preferredEncodings #preferredFontFamily #preferredPixelSize
> #preferredPixelSizeFor: #timePolicy)
> ('private' #encodingComponent #localizationComponent
> #localizationComponent:encodingComponent:)
> ('printing' #printString)
> ('comparing' #= #hash)
> name = #CompositeLocale
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
> environment = a NameSpace[237]
> Arguments:
> aStringOrMessage = an UserMessage('This message is not appropriate
> for this object', #errNotAppropriate, #dialogs)
> Context PC = 6
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> CompositeLocale class(Object)>>shouldNotImplement
> Receiver:
> a CompositeLocale class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = Object
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[32]
> format = 16386
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[2]
> organization = ('time and number utilities' #printAsCurrency:
> #printAsNumber: #printAsTime:policyNamed: #readDateFrom:
> #readNumberFrom:type: #readTimeFrom: #readTimestampFrom:)
> ('accessing' #collationPolicy #compoundTextEncodeOrder #currencyPolicy
> #cutPasteEncoding #defaultEncoding #defaultPaperSize
> #defaultStreamEncoder #ignoreSerifEncodings #languageAndTerritory
> #languageID #lookUp: #name #needsInputMethod #numberPolicy
> #preferredEncodings #preferredFontFamily #preferredPixelSize
> #preferredPixelSizeFor: #timePolicy)
> ('private' #encodingComponent #localizationComponent
> #localizationComponent:encodingComponent:)
> ('printing' #printString)
> ('comparing' #= #hash)
> name = #CompositeLocale
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
> environment = a NameSpace[237]
> Context PC = 10
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> CompositeLocale class>>set:
> Receiver:
> a CompositeLocale class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = Object
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[32]
> format = 16386
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[2]
> organization = ('time and number utilities' #printAsCurrency:
> #printAsNumber: #printAsTime:policyNamed: #readDateFrom:
> #readNumberFrom:type: #readTimeFrom: #readTimestampFrom:)
> ('accessing' #collationPolicy #compoundTextEncodeOrder #currencyPolicy
> #cutPasteEncoding #defaultEncoding #defaultPaperSize
> #defaultStreamEncoder #ignoreSerifEncodings #languageAndTerritory
> #languageID #lookUp: #name #needsInputMethod #numberPolicy
> #preferredEncodings #preferredFontFamily #preferredPixelSize
> #preferredPixelSizeFor: #timePolicy)
> ('private' #encodingComponent #localizationComponent
> #localizationComponent:encodingComponent:)
> ('printing' #printString)
> ('comparing' #= #hash)
> name = #CompositeLocale
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
> environment = a NameSpace[237]
> Arguments:
> aSymbol = #'fr_FR.CP1252'
> Context PC = 4
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Locale class>>set:
> Receiver:
> a Locale class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = Object
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[44]
> format = 16398
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[14]
> organization = ('private' #collationPolicy:
> #compoundTextEncodeOrder: #currencyPolicy: #cutPasteEncoding:
> #defaultCollationPolicy #defaultCurrencyPolicy #defaultNumberPolicy
> #defaultPaperSize: #defaultStreamEncoder: #defaultTimePolicy
> #ignoreSerifEncodings: #name: #needsInputMethod: #numberPolicy:
> #preferredEncodings: #preferredFontFamily: #preferredPixelSize:
> #timePolicy:)
> ('accessing' #collationPolicy #compoundTextEncodeOrder #currencyPolicy
> #cutPasteEncoding #defaultEncoding #defaultPaperSize
> #defaultStreamEncoder #ignoreSerifEncodings #languageAndTerritory
> #languageID #lookUp: #name #needsInputMethod #numberPolicy
> #preferredEncodings #preferredFontFamily #preferredPixelSize
> #preferredPixelSizeFor: #timePolicy)
> ('time and number utilities' #printAsCurrency: #printAsNumber:
> #printAsTime:policyNamed: #readDateFrom: #readNumberFrom:type:
> #readTimeFrom: #readTimestampFrom:)
> name = #Locale
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[4]
> environment = a NameSpace[237]
> dependents = a DependentsCollection[3]
> Arguments:
> aSymbol = #'fr_FR.CP1252'
> Temporaries:
> names = nil
> localeSet = nil
> Context PC = 16
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class>>openInterface:WithLanguage:
> Receiver:
> a CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = ApplicationModel
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[205]
> format = 16421
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[33]
> organization = ('visualisation' #openCharts #openChartsOn:
> #openSpatialGrid #openVisuCommunications #refreshCharts)
> ('model scheduling' #openDefineSchedulerWin
> #openDefineSchedulerWinControl #openDefineSchedulerWinInit
> #openParametersWin #openScenarioBuilderWin
> #openSelectSchedulingMethodsWin #runButtonLabel:)
> ('model observation' #defineChartsObs #defineCommunicationObs
> #defineSpaceObs)
> ('main menu' #aboutCormas #aboutThisModel #closeModel #closeSimulation
> #defObservationChanged #displayModel: #entitiesListings #exportModel
> #howToRunThisModel #importModel #newModel #openModel #openModel:
> #resetSimulation #simulate)
> ('simulation' #initProcess #initSimulation #logLeaveOf:from:
> #logMovementOf:from:to: #prepareExcelConnexion #run #runNSimulations
> #runNSimulations_old #runStepByStep #runStepByStepThreaded)
> ('aspects' #cycle #defineObservation #displaySimNumber #eraseLinks
> #eraseLinks: #listPassiveEntities #listSocialEntities
> #listSpatialEntities #modelName #modelName: #modelNameField
> #stepCounter #versionField)
> ('initialize-release' #initialize #release)
> ('util' #convertSourceTo2002: #createPdvDict
> #inheritedMethodsFrom:category: #lesSuperMethodes:category:
> #readVSFile: #removeBrackets: #removeParentheses: #stFile:
> #testParcelsRequired:)
> ('version' #adjustChartsTo2002 #adjustOrganizationTo2002
> #convertFrom2001To2002:fromFile: #convertToVW73
> #displayVersionOfModel: #removeIdProtocol #setModelComments
> #setModelVersionEqualTo:)
> ('accessing' #currentModel #currentModel: #currentSimulation
> #currentSimulation: #defineChartsWin #defineChartsWin: #defineCommWin
> #defineCommWin: #defineCSEWin #defineCSEWin: #defineEntityWin
> #defineEntityWin: #defineObjectWin #defineObjectWin: #definePatchWin
> #definePatchWin: #defineSchedulerWin #defineSchedulerWin:
> #displayChartsWin #displayChartsWin: #displayCommWin #displayCommWin:
> #mainWin #mainWin: #obsWin #obsWin: #process #process:
> #reducedCommandsBar #reducedCommandsBar: #simulationsManager
> #simulationsManager: #simulationWin #simulationWin: #viewWin #viewWin:
> #visualStateWin #visualStateWin:)
> ('interface actions' #closeAllWindows #closeMyWindows #entities
> #expandMainWindow #openParamatersGUI #openSimulationGUI
> #requestForWindowClose #switchInterface)
> ('model entities' #addAggregateClass #addCellAutomClass #addCellClass
> #addClassFrom: #addSENotConnexClass #basicAgentClasses
> #createClassModelNamed: #createClassNamed:from:
> #createColorsDictClass: #createImageDictClass: #createInit:
> #createModelAccessors: #createStep: #createSubModelsNameSpace: #edit:
> #edit:pov: #modifyPassiveEntityClass #modifySocialEntityClass
> #modifySpatialEntityClass #removeModelAccessors:
> #removePassiveEntityClass #removeSocialEntityClass
> #removeSpatialEntityClass #renameClass:
> #renameEntityClass:entitiesList: #renamePassiveEntityClass
> #renamePassiveEntityClass: #renameSocialEntityClass
> #renameSocialEntityClass: #renameSpatialEntityClass
> #renameSpatialEntityClass: #verifyClassExist:
> #warnCormasModelThat:changeTo:)
> ('changed' #addSubMenuTo:forClass:intoGroup:
> #addSubMenuTo:forClasses:intoGroup: #detect:MenuLookUp:
> #initAgentsMenu #initEntitesPassivesMenu #listAgentsChanged
> #listEntitesPassivesChanged #listEntitesSpatialesChanged
> #listSpatialEntitiesChanged)
> ('user messages' #aggregateName #alertModelName #alertNoComm
> #alert_ChangeAccessors:by: #alert_ChartAlreadyDefined
> #alert_DefineAttribute #alert_NameAlreadyExist #alert_NewCell
> #alert_NewMessage #alert_NewModel #alert_NoComEntity #alert_NoDynamic
> #alert_NoInit #alert_NoModel #alert_NoSpatialEntity
> #alert_renameDirectory: #alert_SaveModel #alert_singleView
> #askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: #cellName #chartName
> #chooseModel #confirm_DeleteEntity #confirm_DeleteSimulation
> #entityName #fseName #loadingModel #messageType #numberOfSimul
> #objectName)
> ('model saving&loading' #checkDirectoryName:
> #checkForUnpackagedClasses #exportModelWithChoice
> #exportModelWithoutChoice #loadEV_file #loadModel
> #loadModel:FromParcel: #loadModelFromParcel #packagingNamespace:
> #saveModelAsParcel #saveParcelFromPackage: #selectModelDirectory
> #stFile #stFile_old: #vsFile)
> name = #Cormas
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
> environment = a NameSpace[96]
> savedWindowInformation = nil
> Rand = nil
> seed = nil
> simpleRand = nil
> Arguments:
> anInterface = #windowSpec
> languageCode = #'fr_FR.CP1252'
> Temporaries:
> bdr = nil
> win = nil
> Context PC = 10
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class>>openFr
> Receiver:
> a CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class
> Instance Variables:
> superclass = ApplicationModel
> methodDict = a MethodDictionary[205]
> format = 16421
> subclasses = nil
> instanceVariables = an Array[33]
> organization = ('visualisation' #openCharts #openChartsOn:
> #openSpatialGrid #openVisuCommunications #refreshCharts)
> ('model scheduling' #openDefineSchedulerWin
> #openDefineSchedulerWinControl #openDefineSchedulerWinInit
> #openParametersWin #openScenarioBuilderWin
> #openSelectSchedulingMethodsWin #runButtonLabel:)
> ('model observation' #defineChartsObs #defineCommunicationObs
> #defineSpaceObs)
> ('main menu' #aboutCormas #aboutThisModel #closeModel #closeSimulation
> #defObservationChanged #displayModel: #entitiesListings #exportModel
> #howToRunThisModel #importModel #newModel #openModel #openModel:
> #resetSimulation #simulate)
> ('simulation' #initProcess #initSimulation #logLeaveOf:from:
> #logMovementOf:from:to: #prepareExcelConnexion #run #runNSimulations
> #runNSimulations_old #runStepByStep #runStepByStepThreaded)
> ('aspects' #cycle #defineObservation #displaySimNumber #eraseLinks
> #eraseLinks: #listPassiveEntities #listSocialEntities
> #listSpatialEntities #modelName #modelName: #modelNameField
> #stepCounter #versionField)
> ('initialize-release' #initialize #release)
> ('util' #convertSourceTo2002: #createPdvDict
> #inheritedMethodsFrom:category: #lesSuperMethodes:category:
> #readVSFile: #removeBrackets: #removeParentheses: #stFile:
> #testParcelsRequired:)
> ('version' #adjustChartsTo2002 #adjustOrganizationTo2002
> #convertFrom2001To2002:fromFile: #convertToVW73
> #displayVersionOfModel: #removeIdProtocol #setModelComments
> #setModelVersionEqualTo:)
> ('accessing' #currentModel #currentModel: #currentSimulation
> #currentSimulation: #defineChartsWin #defineChartsWin: #defineCommWin
> #defineCommWin: #defineCSEWin #defineCSEWin: #defineEntityWin
> #defineEntityWin: #defineObjectWin #defineObjectWin: #definePatchWin
> #definePatchWin: #defineSchedulerWin #defineSchedulerWin:
> #displayChartsWin #displayChartsWin: #displayCommWin #displayCommWin:
> #mainWin #mainWin: #obsWin #obsWin: #process #process:
> #reducedCommandsBar #reducedCommandsBar: #simulationsManager
> #simulationsManager: #simulationWin #simulationWin: #viewWin #viewWin:
> #visualStateWin #visualStateWin:)
> ('interface actions' #closeAllWindows #closeMyWindows #entities
> #expandMainWindow #openParamatersGUI #openSimulationGUI
> #requestForWindowClose #switchInterface)
> ('model entities' #addAggregateClass #addCellAutomClass #addCellClass
> #addClassFrom: #addSENotConnexClass #basicAgentClasses
> #createClassModelNamed: #createClassNamed:from:
> #createColorsDictClass: #createImageDictClass: #createInit:
> #createModelAccessors: #createStep: #createSubModelsNameSpace: #edit:
> #edit:pov: #modifyPassiveEntityClass #modifySocialEntityClass
> #modifySpatialEntityClass #removeModelAccessors:
> #removePassiveEntityClass #removeSocialEntityClass
> #removeSpatialEntityClass #renameClass:
> #renameEntityClass:entitiesList: #renamePassiveEntityClass
> #renamePassiveEntityClass: #renameSocialEntityClass
> #renameSocialEntityClass: #renameSpatialEntityClass
> #renameSpatialEntityClass: #verifyClassExist:
> #warnCormasModelThat:changeTo:)
> ('changed' #addSubMenuTo:forClass:intoGroup:
> #addSubMenuTo:forClasses:intoGroup: #detect:MenuLookUp:
> #initAgentsMenu #initEntitesPassivesMenu #listAgentsChanged
> #listEntitesPassivesChanged #listEntitesSpatialesChanged
> #listSpatialEntitiesChanged)
> ('user messages' #aggregateName #alertModelName #alertNoComm
> #alert_ChangeAccessors:by: #alert_ChartAlreadyDefined
> #alert_DefineAttribute #alert_NameAlreadyExist #alert_NewCell
> #alert_NewMessage #alert_NewModel #alert_NoComEntity #alert_NoDynamic
> #alert_NoInit #alert_NoModel #alert_NoSpatialEntity
> #alert_renameDirectory: #alert_SaveModel #alert_singleView
> #askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: #cellName #chartName
> #chooseModel #confirm_DeleteEntity #confirm_DeleteSimulation
> #entityName #fseName #loadingModel #messageType #numberOfSimul
> #objectName)
> ('model saving&loading' #checkDirectoryName:
> #checkForUnpackagedClasses #exportModelWithChoice
> #exportModelWithoutChoice #loadEV_file #loadModel
> #loadModel:FromParcel: #loadModelFromParcel #packagingNamespace:
> #saveModelAsParcel #saveParcelFromPackage: #selectModelDirectory
> #stFile #stFile_old: #vsFile)
> name = #Cormas
> classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0]
> environment = a NameSpace[96]
> savedWindowInformation = nil
> Rand = nil
> seed = nil
> simpleRand = nil
> Context PC = 15
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> VisualLauncher>>openCormasFr
> Receiver:
> a VisualLauncher
> Instance Variables:
> dependents = an ApplicationWindow 11
> builder = an UIBuilder
> uiSession = a ControlManager
> eventHandlers = nil
> menuBar = a Menu
> toolBar = a ValueHolder on: a Menu
> textCollector = a TextCollector on: Text for '
> created at December 15, 2009 1:13:01 PM
> Autoloading cormas from cormas.pcl
> Autoloading Lens-Dev from $(VISUALWORKS)\parcels\Lens-Dev.pcl
> Autoloading Lens-Runtime from $(VISUALWORKS)\parcels\Lens-Runtime.pcl
> Autoloading BGOK from $(VISUALWORKS)\parcels\BGOK.pcl
> Autoloading DLLCC from $(VISUALWORKS)\dllcc\DLLCC.pcl
> Autoloading ODBCEXDI from $(VISUALWORKS)\database\ODBCEXDI.pcl
> Autoloading ODBCThapiEXDI from $(VISUALWORKS)\database\ODBCThapiEXDI.pcl
> Autoloading XmlRpcClient from
> $(VISUALWORKS)\contributed\WebInterfaces\XmlRpcClient.pcl
> Autoloading HTTP from $(VISUALWORKS)\net\HTTP.pcl
> Autoloading DES from $(VISUALWORKS)\security\DES.pcl
> Autoloading CiphersBase from $(VISUALWORKS)\security\CiphersBase.pcl
> Autoloading SHA from $(VISUALWORKS)\security\SHA.pcl
> Autoloading MIME from $(VISUALWORKS)\net\MIME.pcl
> Autoloading NetClientBase from $(VISUALWORKS)\net\NetClientBase.pcl
> Autoloading Protocols-Common from
> $(VISUALWORKS)\parcels\Protocols-Common.pcl
> Autoloading Protocol-Common-Namespace from
> $(VISUALWORKS)\parcels\ProtocolNamespace.pcl
> Autoloading NetworkAppUtilities from
> $(VISUALWORKS)\contributed\WebInterfaces\NetworkAppUtilities.pcl
> Autoloading RBCodeHighlighting from
> $(VISUALWORKS)\contributed\RBCodeHighlighting.pcl
> Autoloading SmaCC Runtime from $(VISUALWORKS)\contributed\SmaCC\SmaCC
> Runtime.pcl
> Autoloading HighlightingStyles from
> $(VISUALWORKS)\contributed\HighlightingStyles.pcl
> Autoloading ExtraEmphases from
> $(VISUALWORKS)\contributed\ExtraEmphases.pcl
> Autoloading TextHighlighting from
> $(VISUALWORKS)\contributed\TextHighlighting.pcl
> RBCodeHighlighting suggests loading ''Fixed Colored Text Selection''
> package
> Shape-changing CormasNS.Kernel.OneParameterWindow
> Shape-changing CormasNS.Kernel.CommentInterface
> Shape-changing CormasNS.Kernel.CormasModelGameInterface
> Shape-changing CormasNS.Kernel.CormasBrowserNavigator class
> Shape-changing CormasNS.Kernel.ScenarioBuilderInterface
> Shape-changing CormasNS.Kernel.CormasBrowserDefinitionTool class
> NormalObliqueCursor is Undeclared
> Pass1Bits is Undeclared
> QTableScaleFactor is Undeclared
> numero is Undeclared
> GrayPalette256 is Undeclared
> PlayCursor is Undeclared
> FIXn0n390180644 is Undeclared
> FIXn0n899976223 is Undeclared
> ExcelWorksheetController is Undeclared
> JunOpenGLRenderingContext is Undeclared
> DCTK4 is Undeclared
> ArrowCursor is Undeclared
> Eext is Undeclared
> ConstBits is Undeclared
> FIXn0n541196100 is Undeclared
> liste is Undeclared
> CheckOnCursor is Undeclared
> ExcelClient is Undeclared
> surround is Undeclared
> DCTK3 is Undeclared
> Corner4Cursor is Undeclared
> couleur is Undeclared
> FIXn1n847759065 is Undeclared
> PaperCursor is Undeclared
> FilmCursor is Undeclared
> BetweenCursor is Undeclared
> DCTSize2 is Undeclared
> PrologueCursor is Undeclared
> ClockCursor is Undeclared
> GlassPlusCursor is Undeclared
> RoundtripCursor is Undeclared
> LeftArrowCursor is Undeclared
> CrossCursor is Undeclared
> modele is Undeclared
> UpArrowCursor is Undeclared
> PauseCursor is Undeclared
> DCTK2 is Undeclared
> JunSystem is Undeclared
> Quarters2Cursor is Undeclared
> DCTK1 is Undeclared
> FIXn1n501321110 is Undeclared
> JunMovieHandle is Undeclared
> ScissorsCursor is Undeclared
> FIXn0n34414 is Undeclared
> FIXn1n40200 is Undeclared
> FIXn3n072711026 is Undeclared
> CameraCursor is Undeclared
> Lien is Undeclared
> ColorPalette256 is Undeclared
> FIXn1n175875602 is Undeclared
> FIXn2n053119869 is Undeclared
> QuantizationTableSize is Undeclared
> Corner2Cursor is Undeclared
> COMSessionManager is Undeclared
> nomDico is Undeclared
> MaxSample is Undeclared
> EpilogueCursor is Undeclared
> AntiObliqueCursor is Undeclared
> Deplacement is Undeclared
> Masks is Undeclared
> GlassCursor is Undeclared
> CheckOffCursor is Undeclared
> Rand is Undeclared
> SampleOffset is Undeclared
> RepeatCursor is Undeclared
> LassoCursor is Undeclared
> Corner3Cursor is Undeclared
> version is Undeclared
> SpuitCursor is Undeclared
> PaintCursor is Undeclared
> EraserCursor is Undeclared
> FIXn1n77200 is Undeclared
> ImageKindTable is Undeclared
> PreviousCursor is Undeclared
> GlassMinusCursor is Undeclared
> HuffmanTableSize is Undeclared
> DIBSectionRegistry is Undeclared
> RightArrowCursor is Undeclared
> LayerCursor is Undeclared
> FloatSampleOffset is Undeclared
> Eint is Undeclared
> StopCursor is Undeclared
> FIXn2n562915447 is Undeclared
> visible is Undeclared
> JFIFMarkerParser is Undeclared
> modeDisplay is Undeclared
> CreateAccessorsWithDefaultValue is Undeclared
> JunMacInterface is Undeclared
> JPEGNaturalOrder is Undeclared
> FIXn0n71414 is Undeclared
> estVide is Undeclared
> JunUniFileName is Undeclared
> FIXn0n298631336 is Undeclared
> UpDownCursor is Undeclared
> DCTSize is Undeclared
> FrameCursor is Undeclared
> BrushCursor is Undeclared
> Extent is Undeclared
> FIXn0n765366865 is Undeclared
> FIXn1n961570560 is Undeclared
> ReadCursor is Undeclared
> GoCursor is Undeclared
> Corner1Cursor is Undeclared
> COMDispatchError is Undeclared
> NextCursor is Undeclared
> DownArrowCursor is Undeclared
> taille is Undeclared
> HandCursor is Undeclared
> GaugeCursor is Undeclared
> PencilCursor is Undeclared
> MovieInterface is Undeclared
> QuartersCursor is Undeclared
> JuiceCursor is Undeclared
> RandomNumber is Undeclared
> SpeakerCursor is Undeclared
> Copying c:\Program Files (x86)\Cincom\vw7.7nc\cormas\visualnc.cha to
> c:\Program Files (x86)\Cincom\vw7.7nc\cormas\cormas.cha... done
> c:\Program Files (x86)\Cincom\vw7.7nc\cormas\ created at 25
> janvier 2010 08:57:14'
> toolDock = a VisualLauncherToolDock
> Context PC = 6
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(MenuBarButtonController)>>dispatchMenuSymbol:
> Receiver:
> a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> Instance Variables:
> model = nil
> view = a WinXPMenuBarButtonView
> sensor = a TranslatingSensor
> highlightOnOpen = false
> Arguments:
> menuSelection = #openCormasFr
> Context PC = 38
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(MenuBarButtonController)>>dispatchMenuSelection:
> Receiver:
> a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> Instance Variables:
> model = nil
> view = a WinXPMenuBarButtonView
> sensor = a TranslatingSensor
> highlightOnOpen = false
> Arguments:
> menuSelection = #openCormasFr
> Context PC = 21
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in Win95MenuBarButtonController>>menuBarActionForMenu:
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Temporaries:
> valueResult = a MenuItem 'Cormas Français'
> menuView = a WinXPMenuView
> .self = a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> .aMenu = a Menu
> Context PC = 55
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Receiver:
> a BlockClosure
> Instance Variables:
> method = CompiledBlock [] in
> Win95MenuBarButtonController>>menuBarActionForMenu:
> outerContext = nil
> copiedValues = an Array[2]
> Arguments:
> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in
> Win95MenuBarButtonController>>menuBarActionForMenu:
> Temporaries:
> result = nil
> Context PC = 4
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(Win95MenuBarButtonController)>>menuBarActionForMenu:
> Receiver:
> a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> Instance Variables:
> model = nil
> view = a WinXPMenuBarButtonView
> sensor = a TranslatingSensor
> highlightOnOpen = false
> Arguments:
> aMenu = a Menu
> Temporaries:
> performer = a VisualLauncher
> Context PC = 31
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(MenuBarButtonController)>>menuBarAction
> Receiver:
> a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> Instance Variables:
> model = nil
> view = a WinXPMenuBarButtonView
> sensor = a TranslatingSensor
> highlightOnOpen = false
> Temporaries:
> theMenu = a Menu
> Context PC = 20
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(MenuBarButtonController)>>redButtonPressedEvent:
> Receiver:
> a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> Instance Variables:
> model = nil
> view = a WinXPMenuBarButtonView
> sensor = a TranslatingSensor
> highlightOnOpen = false
> Arguments:
> event = a RedButtonPressedEvent
> Context PC = 10
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> RedButtonPressedEvent>>dispatchTo:
> Receiver:
> a RedButtonPressedEvent
> Instance Variables:
> time = 109175942
> initiator = an EventDispatcher
> window = an ApplicationWindow 11
> state = 1
> x = 279
> y = 3
> gx = 414
> gy = 56
> buttonNumber = 1
> Arguments:
> anObject = a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> Context PC = 4
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> WinXPMenuBarButtonController(Controller)>>handleEvent:
> Receiver:
> a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> Instance Variables:
> model = nil
> view = a WinXPMenuBarButtonView
> sensor = a TranslatingSensor
> highlightOnOpen = false
> Arguments:
> event = a RedButtonPressedEvent
> Context PC = 4
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to:
> Receiver:
> an EventDispatcher
> Instance Variables:
> windowController = an ApplicationStandardSystemController
> currentMouseConsumer = nil
> grabbingMouse = false
> keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor
> lastControlObject = nil
> trapList = nil
> state = nil
> repairDamageWhenDebugging = true
> flushQueueAfterError = true
> distributeEventsWhenDebugging = true
> dragDropInProgress = false
> dragDropTracker = nil
> dispatchUnknownEvents = false
> Arguments:
> event = a RedButtonPressedEvent
> object = a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> Temporaries:
> tmp = nil
> Context PC = 10
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:
> Receiver:
> an EventDispatcher
> Instance Variables:
> windowController = an ApplicationStandardSystemController
> currentMouseConsumer = nil
> grabbingMouse = false
> keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor
> lastControlObject = nil
> trapList = nil
> state = nil
> repairDamageWhenDebugging = true
> flushQueueAfterError = true
> distributeEventsWhenDebugging = true
> dragDropInProgress = false
> dragDropTracker = nil
> dispatchUnknownEvents = false
> Arguments:
> event = a RedButtonPressedEvent
> Temporaries:
> objectWantingControl = a WinXPMenuBarButtonController
> targetKeyboardProcessor = nil
> Context PC = 113
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> RedButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatch
> Receiver:
> a RedButtonPressedEvent
> Instance Variables:
> time = 109175942
> initiator = an EventDispatcher
> window = an ApplicationWindow 11
> state = 1
> x = 279
> y = 3
> gx = 414
> gy = 56
> buttonNumber = 1
> Context PC = 16
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> RedButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatchForWindowManager:
> Receiver:
> a RedButtonPressedEvent
> Instance Variables:
> time = 109175942
> initiator = an EventDispatcher
> window = an ApplicationWindow 11
> state = 1
> x = 279
> y = 3
> gx = 414
> gy = 56
> buttonNumber = 1
> Arguments:
> aWinMgr = a WindowManager
> Context PC = 4
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager:
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Temporaries:
> .event = a RedButtonPressedEvent
> .self = a WindowManager
> Context PC = 6
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> Receiver:
> a BlockClosure
> Instance Variables:
> method = CompiledBlock [] in
> WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager:
> outerContext = nil
> copiedValues = an Array[2]
> Arguments:
> anExceptionSelector = BadControllerError
> handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in
> WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager:
> Context PC = 18
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager:
> Receiver:
> a WindowManager
> Instance Variables:
> windows = an OrderedCollection[1]
> activeController = nil
> interruptLock = false
> outstandingMetaOrDamage = false
> openInProgress = false
> eventQueue = an EventQueue
> baseProcess = a Process in Semaphore>>waitIfCurtailedSignal
> dontFilterEvents = false
> Arguments:
> event = a RedButtonPressedEvent
> Context PC = 13
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> WindowManager>>processNextEvent
> Receiver:
> a WindowManager
> Instance Variables:
> windows = an OrderedCollection[1]
> activeController = nil
> interruptLock = false
> outstandingMetaOrDamage = false
> openInProgress = false
> eventQueue = an EventQueue
> baseProcess = a Process in Semaphore>>waitIfCurtailedSignal
> dontFilterEvents = false
> Temporaries:
> event = a RedButtonPressedEvent
> Context PC = 9
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Temporaries:
> .self = a WindowManager
> Context PC = 13
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> Receiver:
> a BlockClosure
> Instance Variables:
> method = CompiledBlock [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess
> outerContext = nil
> copiedValues = a WindowManager
> Arguments:
> anExceptionSelector = TerminateException
> handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess
> Context PC = 18
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in WindowManager>>newProcess
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Temporaries:
> .self = a WindowManager
> Context PC = 15
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> Receiver:
> a BlockClosure
> Instance Variables:
> method = CompiledBlock [] in WindowManager>>newProcess
> outerContext = nil
> copiedValues = a WindowManager
> Arguments:
> anExceptionSelector = TerminateException
> handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Process
> class>>forBlock:priority:
> Context PC = 18
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority:
> Receiver:
> an UndefinedObject
> Temporaries:
> .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in WindowManager>>newProcess
> Context PC = 9
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Pierre Bommel - CIRAD - UR Green
UnB - Faculdade de tecnologia.
Departamento de engenharia mecânica
Campus universitário Darcy Ribeiro
Asa norte   	Brasília - DF
tel : (00 55 61) 3208 3405
cel : (00 55 61) 8122 2878

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