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Re: Welcome to cormas

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Subject: Re: Welcome to cormas
From: Ricardo Bandin (
Date: Sun Oct 18 2009 - 06:49:12 CEST

Esteemed companions

I´m trying to learn about CORMAS from the tutorials. where I found the
models onf Conway, Fire Agent and StupidModel, but I only could find a
downloadable program for the first one. The other 2, additionally, have only
downloadable tutorials that demands unknown passwords. I'll be very grateful
to whoever could help me with this inconveniences.

Thanks in advance,

2009/10/16 Ricardo Bandin <>

> Esteemed companions
> I hope you are well in every aspect. I'm a peruvian biologist and a student
> developing a master of science degree in fisheries at the University of
> Concepcion (Chile). While seeking information for my dissertation I found
> the ABS approach with many works on simulation of the interaction of society
> and common pool resources. This inevitably led me to find your
> very interesting CORMAS page. I´m just downloading the software and hope to
> get customed soon with your help. The purpose in my dissertation is to
> assess the viability of co-management institutional settings designed for
> small-scale coastal benthic fisheries. I'll appreciate your opinion on the
> convenience of using CORMAS platform for this purpose.
> Thanks in advance. Receive my cordial greetings.
> --
> Ricardo Bandin Llanos
> Estudiante - Magíster Cs. m. Pesquerías
> Universidad de Concepción, Región del Bio-Bio, Chile
> Celular: (0056 -9-) 97949957
> PD: replies in spanish are very welcome

Ricardo Bandin Llanos
Estudiante - Magíster Cs. m. Pesquerías
Universidad de Concepción, Región del Bio-Bio, Chile
Celular: (0056 -9-) 97949957

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