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a agent variable changeing its value according to t

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Subject: a agent variable changeing its value according to t
From: Miao Wang (
Date: Sun Aug 05 2007 - 08:02:25 CEST

Hi all,


I have a problem of how to set a agent variable which can change its value according to t(time step)?


In my model, each agent has a variable named ¡®lifetime¡¯. It is expected that the agent¡¯s lifetime is different according to different time steps. For example: the total simulation time steps are 100, for new agents released between 1-50 time steps, their lifetime is 30(time steps), for new agents released between 50-100, their lifetime changed into 20(time steps).


I tried to set ¡®lifetime¡¯ as a global variable, and tried to change its value in the model¡¯s STEP method, but it can not be recognized by agent.


Does anyone have some idea about this?


Great Thanks!


Miao Wang at Geomatics
School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
G.19, Cassie Building,
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU

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