Using the ECEC model

This page how to use a simple model with Cormas. You may visite the page describing the model.

Launching Cormas

In the main menu of VW, select 'Tools' -> Cormas -> Cormas English

The main Cormas windows will pop up :

Loading the ECEC model

Select 'File' -> 'Load...' -> 'Load from parcel'

In the new window, choose ECEC :

then select the ECEC.pcl file :

The model is then loaded onto Cormas :

Running and observing the model

Creating a scenario

From the Simulation menu of Cormas, select 'Simulation Interface' :

The Simulation window pops up. Write '500' into the "Steps" field to set the duration of the simulation.

Before to launch a simulation, you have to initialize a scenario.Click on 'Initialize' button, then a new window pops up that allows to choose an 'init' method (here, "homogeneousEnv") and a 'control' method ("step:").

In order to store the probes' values, select the probes (for several selections, use Ctrl ou Shift button while clicking).

Observing the spatial grid

To open a spatial grid, select 'Visualisation' -> 'Space' :

then the spatial grid will pop up. Normaly, there is no point of view to be displayed. To diplay an energy level 's point of view, right click on the grid and select 'Plant' -> 'povFood' :

To display the agents, right click on the grid and select 'Forager' -> 'pov' :

To see the probes, select 'Visualisation' -> 'Probes' into the Comas window.

Then you can see the global probes of the model :

To see individual probes, there are two possibilities :

  • select 'Levels' -> 'RestrainedForager' :

    then click on 'energy' and select the agents' ID you want to display :

  • Or, on the spatial grid, choose an agent you want to observe and click on it with 'Ctrl', 'Shift' :


Testing your own Cormas models

You can try the tutorials or run your own Cormas models you have built with previous versions of Cormas.

You can also test some other models like TSE, PlotsRental, JLB or Conway.

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