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RE: walk towards a target

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Subject: RE: walk towards a target
From: Hengeveld, Geerten (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2006 - 13:58:12 CEST

Hi Mira,
I'm not a Cormas or Smalltalk pro, but during the course in cormas last month I encountered the same problem while trying to modify the Fire model.
the 'wayTo' sollution did not seem to work because some cells were not allowed, so I came up with the following procedure: it assumes that the destination is an instance variable, just as perceptionrange, but it could easily be rewritten to take the destination as an argument and to only evaluate the envirnment defined neighbouring cells.
hope this is of any help
Geerten Hengeveld
Resource Ecology Group
Wageningen University
|dest dist1 dist2 neighs|
 dest:= self patch neighbourE.
 dest = nil ifTrue: [dest:= self patch neighbourW]."to correct for the neighbour being the border"
 dist1:= dest distCell: self destination.
 neighs := self perception: self perceptionRange."all the cells within the perception"
  do: [:x|
   dist2:=x distCell: self destination.
   dist1 > dist2
   ifTrue: [ dist1:=dist2.
     dest:= x]
  ]."choose the cell closest to the destination"
 self leave.
 self moveTo: dest.

        -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
        Van: namens Miao Wang
        Verzonden: di 4-4-2006 0:32
        Onderwerp: walk towards a target

        I am trying to let the agents in my model to walk towards some targets.I think maybe the method: walkToMaxOf: aSymbol constrainedBy: aBlock is the right method.I don't know What 'aSymbol' refers to? is 'aSymbol' an instance variable of spatial entity or a instance variable of agents? what is the meaning of 'ex-aequo destinations'in the notation for this method?
        Great Thanks!
        Miao Wang at Geomatics
        School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
        G.19, Cassie Building,
        University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU

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