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Re: How to restrict initAgents?

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Subject: Re: How to restrict initAgents?
From: Pierre Bommel (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2006 - 16:46:00 CET

Sorry, there is an error in my method ! It should be:

setRandomlyLocatedAgents: aClass n: aNumber constrainedBy: aBlock
    " The new agents are randomly located on the cells verifying the
constraint "
        | a targetCell |
        aNumber timesRepeat:
                        [targetCell := Cormas selectRandomlyFrom: (self theESE select: [:c |
aBlock value: c]).
                        targetCell isNil
                                        [Dialog warn: 'No available cell for the constraint. The
simulation will stop'.
                                        self halt].
                        a := (self newEntity: aClass) init.
                        a moveTo: targetCell]


Le 6 mars 06, à 12:28, Pierre Bommel a écrit :

> Dear Mira,
> To create and put your agents on restricted cells, you should write a
> method. For example :
> setRandomlyLocatedAgents: aClass n: aNumber constrainedBy: aBlock
> " The new agents are randomly located on the cells verifying the
> constraint "
> | a targetCell |
> aNumber timesRepeat:
> [targetCell := Cormas selectRandomlyFrom: (self theESE select: [:c
> | aBlock value: c]).
> targetCell isNil
> ifTrue:
> [Dialog warn: 'No available cell for the constraint. The
> simulation will stop'.
> self halt].
> a := self newEntity: aClass.
> a perform: aSymbol withArguments: aCollec.
> a moveTo: targetCell]
> Then in your init, you can add :
> super initAgents.
> self setRandomlyLocatedAgents: Tourist n:100 constrainedBy: [:cell
> | cell state=#land or:[cell state=#street]].
> By adding the 2 joined .ST files, it is not necessary to create the
> "setRandomlyLocatedAgents:n:constrainedBy:" method.
> Remark: These methods will be in the next Cormas release (+
> randomCellConstrainedBy: aBlock)
> Pierre
> <><CormasModel-
> Le 6 mars 06, à 10:55, Miao Wang a écrit :
>> Hi all!
>> I have imported a map into Cormas and I'm trying to simulate crowds
>> walking in the streets.Now I have some problems:
>> according to the tutorial, after I identified the intAgents in
>> instance-creation like this
>> initAgents
>> super initAgents.
>> self setRandomlyLocatedAgents: Tourist n:100
>> The 100 agents are ramdomly standing all over the visualisation
>> space window ,no matter which attibute the cell has(river or building
>> or even out of the map(no value area)).But what I want is just to let
>> the 100 agents been restricted in cells with attributes of 'lands'
>> or 'streets'.
>> I thought a conditonal test is needed. so I add:
>> super initAgents.
>> self patch state=#Lands ifTrue:[self setRandomlyLocatedAgents:
>> Tourist n:100].
>> But Cormas show:
>> "Unhandled exception:message not understood:#patch."
> patch is a method of AgentLocation (it returns the cell on which is
> located the agent). It is not a method of CormasModel.
>> Is there anyone who can give me some idea about it?
>> Thank you very much!
>> Mira
> Pierre Bommel - CIRAD - UR Green
> Universidade de Brasilia - CDS
> SHIS QI 26, Conjunto 15, Casa 18
> 71670-150
> Brasilia DF
> tel: (00 55 61) 3367 3405
        Pierre Bommel - CIRAD - UR Green
        Universidade de Brasilia - CDS
        SHIS QI 26, Conjunto 15, Casa 18
        Brasilia DF
        tel: (00 55 61) 3367 3405

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