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Subject: Parallelism
From: Etienne Kouokam (
Date: Mon Jan 23 2006 - 17:00:04 CET

Dear members!
  I have a problem now and I hope that you'll help me to solve it.
  I have written some code in cormas but I'll like to run it in a parallel environment.
  How is it possible? Is it possible to run it in cormas using a network?
  Does an interface tool from "Cormas" to "C language" or "Fortran" exist? I'll like to inspect the behaviour of that code using MPI for example?

          Etienne KOUOKAM
Laboratoire MAT (Modélisation et Applications thématiques)
  Université de Yaoundé I
Département d'Informatique
B.P 8265 Yaoundé CAMEROUN
Tél. (+237) 505 24 01 / (+237) 200 09 16

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