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Subject: (no subject)
From: tag elsir gasm elseid (
Date: Tue May 31 2005 - 13:38:35 CEST

Dear all:

any one who knows how to correct this? the error is in [^t4 raiseRequest].



evaluateWithFullProtection: t1
 " ***This is decompiled code.***
 This may reflect a problem with the configuration of your image and its sources and changes files.
 Please refer to the documentation and the settings tool for help in setting up the proper source
 code files."

 | t2 t3 t4 |
 t2 := nil.
 t3 := [accessLock critical: t1]
    on: Object errorSignal
     [:t5 |
     t2 := t5.
     t5 return: nil].
 t2 == nil ifTrue: [^t3].
 t4 := t2 copyForReraise.
 t2 willProceed ifTrue: [^t4 raiseRequest].
 ^t4 raise

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