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[cormas-annunocement]: MABS'05 at AAMAS'05

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Subject: [cormas-annunocement]: MABS'05 at AAMAS'05
From: Francois Bousquet (
Date: Thu Feb 03 2005 - 07:40:37 CET

> Call for Papers
> Sixth International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation
> MABS’05
> To be held at Educatorium, the conference center of the
> Utrecht University
> Co-located with the
> Fourth International Joint Conference on
> Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
> AAMAS’2005
> ~ ~ ~
> Presentation
> The Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS) workshop is the sixth of a
> series than began in 1998. Its scientific focus lies in the confluence
> of social sciences and multi-agent systems, with a strong
> applicational/empirical vein, and its emphasis is stressed on (i)
> exploratory agent based simulation as a principled way of undertaking
> scientific research in the social sciences and (ii) using social
> theories as an inspiration to new frameworks and developments in
> multi-agent systems. The excellent quality level of this workshop has
> been recognised since its inception, and so its proceedings have always
> been published by Springer-Verlag, in the Lecture Notes series.
> Aims and Scope
> The relationship between social sciences and multi-agent systems has
> only begun to provide some results. It is generally accepted that many
> concepts and techniques have yet to be imported to the multi-agent
> systems area, either for some lack of theory, or to be tested in
> computer simulations. This transfer can occur also in the opposite
> direction, since multi-agent based simulations are changing the way the
> social scientists can look at their problems. This methodological change
> is taking its first steps, and will undoubtedly have an influence
> throughout all sciences.
> MABS will focus on ideas related to the definition of new multi-agent
> systems (MAS) to address real complex issues, as well as ideas coming
> from social sciences to MAS as new metaphors to provide insights into
> MAS theory. Theories, models, analysis, experimental designs, empirical
> studies, methodological principles, all converge into simulation as a
> way of achieving explanations and predictions, but also exploration of
> new hypotheses and conjectures.
> In MABS, we use primarily the agent paradigm as a way of going beyond
> the limitations of traditional approaches. Agents provide heterogeneity,
> where classical theories were based on homogeneity of behaviour. Agents
> call for holism as an answer for reductionist boundaries. This new
> approach has already provided a lot of results in the exploration of the
> micro-macro link, the idea that individual behaviour influences the
> overall dynamics of systems, and that the perception by the individual
> agent of the overall system influences its behaviour. As the
> applications develop in more and more varied fields, we can expect to
> learn much more about “how things are” — and “how they could be.”
> The workshop will provide a forum for social scientists, agent
> researchers and developers and simulation researchers to assess the
> current state of the art in the modelling and simulation of social
> systems and MAS, identify where existing approaches can be successfully
> applied, learn about new approaches and explore future research
> The workshop is in part a continuation of the International Workshop
> series on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS). More information about
> MABS can be found at
> General Topics
> Topics of interest of the workshop include:
> - Cognitive modelling and social simulation
> - MABS applications
> - Self-organisation, scalability, robustness
> - Agent models for MABS
> - Grid-computing
> - Simulation probing
> - Agent-based experimental economics
> - Standards for simulators including inter-operability
> - New tools and methodologies for MABS
> - Social order
> - Complexity
> Target Audience
> The workshop will be of interest to researchers in the modelling and
> analysis of multi-agent systems, and researchers who are interested in
> applying agent-based simulation techniques to real-world problems.
> Important dates
> Submission deadline: March 14, 2005
> Notification of acceptance: April 18, 2005
> Final pre-workshop version deadline: May 5, 2005
> Workshop event: July 25 or 26, 2005
> Publication
> - Accepted papers will be published in a workshop note and distributed
> among participants during the workshop.
> - We are negotiating with Springer the possibility of a post-publication
> as a LNAI or LNCS volume, as it was the case with the previous editions.
> Preliminary schedule of the post-proceedings process:
> Second reviewing: September
> Revised camera-ready papers: October
> Publication: December
> Submission Guidelines
> A PDF file containing the paper should be e-mailed to
> by the14th of March 2005. The paper must be in Springer LNCS format (see
> and no more than 12 pages.
> Organising Committee
> Luis Antunes (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
> Jaime S. Sichman (Universidade de S. Paulo, Brasil)
> Program Committee
> (* confirmed)
> * Frederic Amblard (France)
> * François Bousquet (France)
> * José Castro Caldas (Portugal)
> * Cristiano Castelfranchi (Italia)
> * Helder Coelho (Portugal)
> * Rosaria Conte (Italia)
> Noshir Contractor (USA)
> * Paul Davidsson (Sweden)
> Jim Doran (UK)
> Tom Dwyer (Brasil)
> * Aléxis Drogoul (France)
> * Nigel Gilbert (UK)
> * Wander Jagger (The Netherlands)
> * Marco Jansen (USA)
> * Jorge Louçã (Portugal)
> * Juan Pavon Mestras (Spain)
> Scott Moss (UK)
> Jean-Pierre Müller (France)
> * Emma Norling (Australia)
> * Mario Paolucci (Italia)
> * Juliette Rouchier (France)
> * Keith Sawyer (USA)
> * Carles Sierra (Spain)
> José Vicente da Silva (Brasil)
> * Ron Sun (USA)
> * Keiki Takadama (Japan)
> * Oswaldo Teran (Venezuela)
> * Jan Treur (The Netherlands)
> * Klaus Troitzsch (Germany)
> * Afzal Upal (USA)
> * Harko Verhagen (Sweden)
> Gérard Weisbuch (France)

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