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RE: Problem with installation

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Subject: RE: Problem with installation
From: Nicolas Becu (
Date: Tue Feb 01 2005 - 13:33:50 CET

Hello Margarita

This is because the path for your default directory is wrong

To resolve it

- Open VisualWorks

- In the warning message, select COMSessionManager and right click

- On the right side of the Browser window write self
defaultCOMDirectoryName select this text and right click Inspect

- It should show 'd:\VW7.2\com\' so change this text with the good
directory (perhaps it’s 'c:\VW7.2\com\' or 'e:\VW7.2\com\' )

- And then right click Accept

- Close the browser ; save the image ; close VisualWorks

When you open the image again, the warning shouldn’t appear anymore.







From: [] On
Behalf Of Margarita Heinzen
Sent: 01 February 2005 14:03
Subject: Problem with installation


 Hi, I have the following problem.



 Warning: the default COM directory setting is not valid. This may affect
the ability of COM applications to access files whose location is derived
from this setting.


Edit the following expression and evaluate to reset the directory name:


 COMSessionManager defaultCOMDirectoryName:


Thank you

 Ing. Agr. Margarita Heinzen

Dpto. Producción Animal y Pasturas

Est. Exp. "M. A. Cassinoni"

Facultad de Agronomía




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