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[cormas-annoucement] Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer Schools

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Subject: [cormas-annoucement] Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer Schools
From: Francois Bousquet (
Date: Thu Dec 23 2004 - 06:12:37 CET

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Janssen, Marco A. []
> > Dear Colleagues,
> >
> > Please pass on this announcement to any graduate students or postdocs
> > who you think might be interested in attending the Complex Systems
> > Summer School in Santa Fe or in Beijing.
> >
> > Apologies if you receive this more than once.
> >
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> > Santa Fe School: June 6 - July 1, 2005. Held on the campus of St.
> > John's College, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Administered by the Santa
> > Fe Institute (SFI). Director: Melanie Mitchell, Portland State
> > University and SFI.
> >
> > China School: July 11 to August 5, 2005 in Beijing, China. Sponsored
> > by SFI in cooperation with The Institute of Theoretical Physics, The
> > Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, and the Graduate School,
> > Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Co-directors: John Holland,
> > University of Michigan and SFI; Chen Xiao-song, Institute for
> > Theoretical Physics, CAS.
> >
> > General Description
> >
> > The Complex Systems Summer Schools offer an intensive four-week
> > introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living,
> > and social systems for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in
> > the sciences and social sciences. The schools are aimed at
> > participants who want to obtain the background and hands-on
> > experience that will help prepare them to do interdisciplinary
> > research in areas related to complex systems.
> >
> > Applications are welcome from all countries. Participants are
> > expected to attend either the Santa Fe or the Beijing school for the
> > full four weeks. All activities will be conducted in English at both
> > schools. Enrollment is limited.
> >
> > Each school consists of an intensive series of lectures,
> > laboratories, and discussion sessions focusing on foundational ideas,
> > tools, and current topics in complex systems research. These include
> > nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation, scaling theory, information
> > theory and computation theory, adaptation and evolution, network
> > structure and dynamics, adaptive computation techniques, computer
> > modeling tools, and specific applications of these core topics to
> > various disciplines. In addition, participants will formulate and
> > carry out team projects related to topics covered in the school.
> >
> > Costs
> >
> > Santa Fe: No tuition is charged. 100% of housing and meal costs are
> > supported for graduate students and 50% for postdoctoral fellows (the
> > remaining fee is $750, due at the beginning of the school). Most
> > students will provide their own travel funding. Some travel
> > scholarships may be available based on demonstrated need, with
> > preference given to international students.
> >
> > China: No tuition is charged. 100% of housing and meal costs are
> > supported for all participants. Most students will provide their own
> > travel funding. Some travel scholarships may be available based on
> > demonstrated need.
> >
> >
> > Housing
> >
> > Housing at both schools will be in single or double occupancy dorm
> > rooms with shared bathrooms. Computing resources will be available,
> > including ethernet ports for student laptops. Housing and travel
> > support for accompanying families is not available.
> >
> > Eligibility
> >
> > Applications are solicited from graduate students and postdoctoral
> > fellows in any discipline. Some background in science and mathematics
> > (including multi-variable calculus and linear algebra) is required.
> > Proficiency in English is also required.
> >
> > Students should indicate school location preference when applying.
> > Placements may be influenced by recent increased restrictions in U.S.
> > foreign visitor policies.
> >
> > Application requirements
> >
> > 1. Current resume or CV. Include a clear description of your
> > current educational or professional status, and a list of
> > publications, if any.
> >
> > 2. A statement of your current research interests and comments about
> > why you want to attend the school (suggested length: two to three
> > pages).
> >
> > 3. Two letters of recommendation from scholars who know your work.
> >
> > 4. If you are applying to the Beijing school and English is not your
> > first language, you must also submit evidence of English competency
> > in order to complete your application. You can do this in one of two
> > ways:
> >
> > * Request that your TOEFL scores be sent to SFI. SFI's TOEFL code is
> > 8595. Make sure that you request your scores to be sent well in
> > advance to ensure that your application will be complete by the
> > January 28, 2005 deadline.
> >
> > * Request a third letter of recommendation from an English professor
> > certifying your English language competency. This letter can be sent
> > via e-mail to
> >
> > How to Apply
> >
> > Online: Our online application form allows you to submit all of your
> > materials electronically (including a feature which allows your
> > referees to upload letters of recommendation directly to your file).
> > We strongly encourage you to apply online at
> > <> to expedite your application.
> >
> > Postal Mail/Courier: Applications sent via postal mail will also be
> > accepted. Include a cover letter providing your e-mail address and
> > fax number, and specifying whether you wish to be considered for a
> > travel scholarship. (This will not influence the review of your
> > application.) Do not bind your application materials in any manner.
> > Send application materials to:
> >
> > Summer Schools
> > Santa Fe Institute
> > 1399 Hyde Park Road
> > Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA
> >
> > If applying via post, letters of recommendation may be sent
> > separately to the address above, or included in your application
> > package in sealed envelopes.
> >
> > Deadline
> >
> > All application materials, including letters of recommendation, must
> > be received at SFI or electronically submitted no later than January
> > 28, 2005.
> >
> > Women, minorities, and students from developing countries are
> > especially encouraged to apply.
> >
> > If you have further questions about the Complex Systems Summer
> > Schools, please e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> >

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