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Re: how to stop running....?

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Subject: Re: how to stop running....?
From: Bruno Locatelli (
Date: Mon Sep 20 2004 - 15:37:56 CEST


"CTRL Y" may be the shortcut you are looking for.
Whenever you press Ctrl-Y, the UI process is stopped and a Debugger window
is shown.

Good luck.


Bruno Locatelli
Global Change Group / Grupo Cambio Global
CIRAD Forêt ( - CATIE (
Apdo 2, Turrialba 7170
Costa Rica

Tel: 506.558.22.16
Fax: 506.556.62.55
Web perso:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mathias Rouan" <>
> I just want to know if there is a keyboard shortcut in VisualWorks to stop
> the running processus.
> For example: you've made a mistake in a "whileTrue loop" condition, so the
> running processus never stop, and you forgot to save the last changes in
> the program...
> thanks.
> Mathias

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