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Re: Cormas 2004

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Subject: Re: Cormas 2004
From: Pierre Bommel (
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 18:31:35 CEST

Re-Hi all !

Pierre-Marcel GORAL a écrit :

> Hi everybody!
> Just a few questions about Cormas 2004:
> - I looked for pages on the website relating the main new things and
> changes between Cormas 2003 and 2004. Maybe I didn't look very well,
> but it seem to me there isn't any.
> - What are the compatibility issues between Cormas 2003 and 2004 ?
NORMALLY, the models developped under Cormas2003 should be fully
compatible with Cormas2004.

     - What are the new functionnalities or improvements in the
     newer version ?

I didn't take time to describe all the features. There are many small
modifications (as the one that I have just written in the previous
e-mail) and some new things such as dynamic graphs, graphs located on
agents, hierarchical organization of the agents, etc.. and of course the
compatibility with VW7.2.
But as I said last month, another Cormas version should be released in
2004 with important improvements such as:
  - compatibility Mac and Linux,
  - multi windows, displaying different view points of the grid,
  - and (maybe) possibility of distributed visualisation of a
Well, let's work !!


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