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cormas 04 Sorry

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Subject: cormas 04 Sorry
From: Bernardo Paz Betancourt (
Date: Mon Aug 02 2004 - 20:26:42 CEST


I did't looked that when you unzip the cormas install file the directories are created as protected (the files inside of the directories are not protected but the main directories yes). So pay my false alarm I will share the so simple solution.

I had unprotectect the total using the recursive function of winXP and correct the d:\temp\cormas\cormas\cormas.pst by the correct path d:\vw7.2\cormas.pst, save the image and now is working.

An other think is that there is no more a cormas directory so for example the models directory is: d:\vw7.2\models and not any more d:\vw7.2\cormas\models ( ? )

Sincerly Bernardo.

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