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Re: 'Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #sumFromFloat:'

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Subject: Re: 'Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #sumFromFloat:'
From: Bruno Locatelli (
Date: Thu Jul 22 2004 - 18:11:49 CEST

Hola Hermes,
Generally you receive this message when you try to sum two things that can not be summed.
For instance, try to inspect the following statement in a workspace:
1.23 + #cualquierSimbolo
You will get the same error as the one you mentioned.
You should choose the "Debug" option and observe what failed in what you submited. If the debugger show you " a + b ", try to inspect a and b in order to see if their types can be summed.


Bruno Locatelli
Global Change Group / Grupo Cambio Global
CIRAD Forêt ( - CATIE (
Apdo 2, Turrialba 7170
Costa Rica
Tel: 506.558.22.16
Fax: 506.556.62.55
Web perso:

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Hermes Morales
  Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 3:29 PM
  Subject: 'Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #sumFromFloat:'

  Hullo. I have had the following problem and I would like to get some help, perhaps as an internet address where I can learn how can I cope with this kind of message.

  'Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #sumFromFloat:'

  Thank you, Hermes

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