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RE : updating cormas2001

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Subject: RE : updating cormas2001
From: Christophe Le Page (
Date: Wed May 26 2004 - 16:45:47 CEST

Hello Jeljer,

For the first pb, you may use the general method to change
programmatically the topology of the spatial grid:
        self spaceModel
                initializeRegularX: 10
                Y: 10
                shape: #squared
                nbNeighbours: #eight
                boundaries: #closed
                delimiter: true.

For the second one, I cannot see clearly the interest of the 3 last
- cellSurface should be directly accessible at the Cell level, as it
sounds like a cell characteristic
- an instance of cell can directly access the number of lines and
columns of the spatial grid to which it belongs. In Cell>>init for
instance, you can use "self spaceModel line" and "self spaceModel


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : [] De
> la part de Hoekstra, J. (Jeljer)
> Envoyé : mercredi 26 mai 2004 10:17
> À :
> Objet : updating cormas2001
> Dear all,
> I have update my cormas2001 model to the latest cormas
> version. This was quite simple. Good work cormas team!
> There is only one small problem left that I cannot fix. The
> method in which I automatically set the parameters for the
> grid (size etc.), Setupgrid does not work anymore. Also a
> related methods like setupcells, which also uses the
> spaceModel method causes an error.
> I'd like some help on how to make these methods work again in
> cormas2003 (or is it 2004 already). I have attached the methods below.
> Thanks for your help in advance,
> Cheers
> Jeljer
> setupgrid
> | pov |
> pov := Wad_Cell activePov.
> Wad_Cell activePov: nil.
> self gridSizeCol: 10 line: "change migrate!!" 10.
> Wad_Cell activePov: pov.
> self spaceModel clotureEspace: #closed.
> self spaceModel calculVoisins. " the neighbourhood has to be reset"
> self spaceModel interface cloturePatchChanged. " inform the
> interface to update"
> self spaceModel interface updateName.
> setupcells
> | arguments |
> arguments:= Array new:5.
> arguments at:1 put: self predator;
> at:2 put: self prey;
> at:3 put: self cellsurface;
> at:4 put: self spaceModel interface column value";
> at:5 put: self spaceModel interface line value".
> self initCells: #setup:and:on:gridcol:gridrow:
> withArguments: arguments.

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