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name variables with printString

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Subject: name variables with printString
From: Joelle Noailly (
Date: Tue Apr 20 2004 - 09:25:54 CEST

Hi everyone,

Thank you Bruno for answering my questions about collections so quickly!
It works fine!

I actually have another question for the Cormas forum. I have a set of
10 variables called var1, ... var10. I want to associate values to these
variables using a loop. I thought of writing something like:
1 to: 10 do: [:i | self ('var', printString i): 100]
but this does not seem to work. Should I use a perform command or
something like that?
Thanks for your help,

Joelle Noailly

Bruno Locatelli wrote:

>Hi Joelle,
>>I am trying to create a collection of individual collections. For
>>instance, I have a series of n elements, each one composed of 5 objects
>>as follows: element_1={a, b, c, d, e}, element_2= {b, c, d, e, a}, ...
>>element_n={e, e, d, c, a}.
>>Now, I want to combine all these elements into a big collection of the
>>Coll={element_1, element_2, ..., element_n}.
>If you write the following code, you will
>create a "myBigCollection" containing collections.
>myBigCollection := OrderedCollection new.
>anElement1 := OrderedCollection new.
>anElement1 add: #a.
>anElement1 add: #b.
>anElement1 add: #c.
>anElement1 add: #d.
>anElement1 add: #e.
>myBigCollection add: anElement1.
>>The tricky part is that I also would like to ask the program to browse
>>through the big collection. For instance, check if the element
>>corresponding to {b,c,d,e,a} is in the big collection, and if yes,
>>delete it.
>You can work with your "big collection", as you do with any collection.
>For instance, to remove an element:
>searchedElement := OrderedCollection new.
>searchedElement add: #b.
>searchedElement add: #c.
>searchedElement add: #d.
>searchedElement add: #e.
>searchedElement add: #a.
>myBigCollection remove: searchedElement ifAbsent: [ ]
>Another example: if you want to select the elements that contain 'a' as a
>first symbol:
>myBigCollection select: [:e | e first = #a]
> bruno
>Bruno Locatelli
>Global Change Group / Grupo Cambio Global
>CIRAD Forêt ( - CATIE (
>Apdo 2, Turrialba 7170
>Costa Rica
>Tel: 506.558.22.16
>Fax: 506.556.62.55
>Web perso:

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