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Fwd: Call for Abstracts: Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation

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Subject: Fwd: Call for Abstracts: Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation
From: BARRETEAU Olivier (
Date: Thu Feb 26 2004 - 09:22:16 CET

>From: "Klaus G. Troitzsch" <kgt@UNI-KOBLENZ.DE>
>Sender: News and discussion about computer simulation in the
>social sciences
>Reply-To: "Klaus G. Troitzsch" <kgt@UNI-KOBLENZ.DE>
>Subject: Call for Abstracts: Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation
>Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 19:34:05 +0100
>Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation
> A Cross-Disciplinary Workshop
> Koblenz, 1-2 July 2004
>Call for Abstracts
>Simulation has been a research instrument for long in various
>disciplines. In recent years, it is gaining further attention. This may
>be contributed to the lack of theories that would allow for explaining
>and predicting the behaviour of complex systems. In addition to that,
>new modelling paradigms, associated with object-oriented concepts,
>intelligent agents, or models of (business) processes inspire the use of
>simulation. Also, the availability of computers with ever growing
>processing power makes it feasible to increase considerably the
>complexity of simulation models. Furthermore, it seems that simulation
>is regarded by some as an alternative to research methods that do not
>provide convincing support for certain research topics. At the same
>time, the epistemological status of simulation remains unclear. This is,
>for instance, the case for its relationship to core epistemological
>concepts, like truth and reason. Against this background, it seems
>worthwhile to reflect upon the preconditions of using simulation
>successfully as a research tool.
>The workshop provides a forum for researchers from various disciplines,
>such as the social sciences, economics, computer science, engineering or
>the natural sciences, who are interested in discussing epistemological
>aspects of simulation across disciplinary boundaries. Philosophers are
>welcome, too.
>Authors are requested to send abstracts of about 1.000 words. Each
>abstract will be reviewed by the program committee. The topics to be
>addressed may include, but are not restricted to questions like:
>- What kind of research questions can be addressed by simulation?
>- What are preconditions to be fulfilled for the proper use of
>- What are lessons learnt from deploying simulation?
>- How does a simulation model relate to reality?
>- What kind of real world decisions can be supported by simulation?
>- Are there any substantial advantages of particular paradigms, such as
>e. g. agent-based systems?
>- What are prerequisites for simulating business processes?
>- Is there a difference between approaches to simulation in different
>- What makes the quality of a simulation model?
>Authors of abstracts that were accepted by the program committee are
>expected to give a presentation of about 20 minutes. Provided that the
>abstracts allow for a coherent profile, we plan to publish a reader. In
>this case, authors are requested to submit a full paper about three
>months after the workshop. That gives them the chance to take into
>account the presentations and discussions during the workshop.
>Submission of Abstracts April, 19th, 2004 - to Klaus Troitzsch
>Notification of Authors May, 10th, 2004
>Program Committee
>Heimo Adelsberger, Universität Duisburg-Essen
>Petra Ahrweiler, Universität Hamburg
>Rosaria Conte, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione, Rom
>Andreas Flache, University of Groningen
>Ulrich Frank, Universität Koblenz-Landau
>Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey, GB
>Thomas Hanschke, Technische Universität Clausthal
>Thomas Kron, Fernuniversität Hagen
>Günter Küppers, Universität Bielefeld
>Johannes Lenhard, Universität Bielefeld
>Ulrich Müller-Funk, Universität Münster
>Michael J. Prietula, Emory University, USA
>Nicole Saam , Universität München
>Klaus G. Troitzsch, Universität Koblenz-Landau (Chair)
>Karsten Weber, Frankfurt/O.
>Stephan Zelewski, Universität Duisburg-Essen
>Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank
>Institut fuer Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik
>Universitaet Koblenz-Landau
>Universitaetsstr. 1
>56070 Koblenz
>Tel. 0049-261-2872522
>Fax 0049-261-2871002522
>Prof. Dr. Klaus G. Troitzsch
>Institut fuer Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik
>Universitaet Koblenz-Landau
>Universitaetsstr. 1
>56070 Koblenz
>Tel. 0049-261-2872643
>Fax 0049-261-2871002643

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