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RE : snapshots

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Subject: RE : snapshots
From: Christophe Le Page (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 12:24:21 CET


Don't you forget to copy the file named 'JunWinQT.dll'in bin\win under
your vw7.2 directory ?

Cormas has not yet been tested with vw7.2 (the incoming 2004 version
will be based on that new version of VisualWorks), anyway this kind of
crash caused by QuickTime dll has been reported a couple of times but
remains so far unexplainable... It seems to be related to Windows
registry: a same Cormas image may crash during this snapshot operation
on one computer, and run perfectly on another one (with the same version
of Windows). If it is feasible for you, maybe you should test if you get
the same result on another computer.

Could some Cormas users who encountered that problem (it never happened
to me, I should be lucky...) tell us about their (frustrating)
experience experience...


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de
Envoyé : mercredi 14 janvier 2004 17:15
À :
Objet : snapshots


I have a problem when I want to do a snapshot or a video. When I try to
take a
picture, VisualWork crashes... I use VisualWork 7.2, Win XP, and
QuickTime 6
is installed . The program crashes while calling the method NewHandle:
in the
class JunWinQTImageInterface.

Does anyone know how to fix this ?


T. Nguyen

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