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Re: Query about Cormas instalation

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Subject: Re: Query about Cormas instalation
From: Paolo Campo (
Date: Fri Aug 08 2003 - 22:48:50 CEST

Hello Mr. Vega,
Nothing more expected ->Argument expected ->Argument
expected -
>Argument expected ->Warning: the default COM
directory setting is not
valid. This may affect the ability of COM applications
to access
files whose location is derived from this setting.

Edit the following expression and evaluate to reset
the directory name:

COMSessionManager defaultCOMDirectoryName:

Go to the VisualWorks window. Go to the “System” drop
down menu and select “Settings”. A new window would
appear. Inside that new window, scroll down (there is
a double arrow icon at the bottom) until you see “COM
Connect” tab. Click on the tab and you would see a
path. Change the path to the drive and directory of
your VisualWorks or change it to this:


After changing, click the accept button. Close the
“Settings” window. Clear the transcript by going to
the “System” drop down menu and then choose “Clear
Transcript” and then exit (I think if you do not clear
the transcript and then you save your image, the same
message would be displayed again when you open Cormas
because the message has been saved inside the image
file). Save your image file upon exit.
And I could see that I didn´t have the models of the
tutorial.........I need always download it from the
Cormas web site
all the models?????????

Well, I am not quite sure about the answer to this
question. What I know is that the models are already
in the installer of Cormas. It could be found inside
Cormas/Models folder inside the folder of your
VisualWorks. If the models aren’t there then maybe
they are in the Cormas website.
On the other hand, when I opened Cormas appeared for
the following
way: the Cormas Window is divided in five parts:
Models, program, visualisation, simulation and
help................................but in the cormas
window appears
this: File, program,,, etc.......look that appear file
wrong and
should appear Models!!!!! I can’t import ,
create and export new model, etc.

The “Models” drop down menu has been changed to
“Files” drop down menu in the new version of Cormas.
The “Import” command has been changed to “Load” in the
new version of Cormas. Similarly, “Create” has been
changed to “New” and “Export” has been changed to
Finally is that I was working in the models Conway,,,
in the point 3.6
for the tutorial, you speak about the bottom called
“Initialise...” I
can’t find this bottom ,where is it ??????

The “Initialization” window could be found in the
“Simulation” drop down menu. Choose “Simulation
Interface” and a new window would appear.
I would like to know if there is some member of this
list who speaks
Spanish, it would be very helpfull.

As for me I don’t know how to speak Spanish but I am
pretty much sure that there is someone out there,
although I don't know anyone in particular.
Thanks for your help.....Alejandro Vega

I hope this helps, though I am not exactly sure if all
of the things I wrote are correct.

best regards,

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