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Reminder: Call for papers for ESSA conference in Groningen

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Subject: Reminder: Call for papers for ESSA conference in Groningen
From: Janssen, Marco A. (
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 20:39:09 CEST

Dear All


Groningen, a vivid old city located up north in the Netherlands, is
often referred to as the top of the Netherlands. The first European
Social Simulation Association conference (formerly SIMSOCVI) to be held
on September 18-21 2003 in Groningen has all necessary ingredients to
become a top meeting in the field of social simulation. This is the
first time ever that social simulation experts from all over Europe and
beyond can come together and exchange their recent work under the
umbrella of the newly founded ESSA. Therefore, we remind all researchers
in social simulation of this opportunity. Different types of work will
fit into the scope of this conference, such as

* formalizing behavioral theory in agent properties,

* simulating social phenomena that emerge from interactions of
multiple agents (e.g. the evolution of norms),

* simulating empirically based stylized social facts (e.g., typical
dynamics of innovation diffusion) and

* simulating behavior in complex environments (e.g., traffic flows).


Of course this listing is far from complete, and other types of work
that are relevant in the context of social simulation social are warmly
welcomed. The conference provides an ideal setting for extended
presentations and lively discussions.

A time-slot of one full hour and assigned discussants will be available
for each presentation. There is also the opportunity of poster
presentations. More information on the ESSA conference and the city of
Groningen can be found at: If you intend
to give a presentation we invite you to submit an extended abstract of
about 2000-3000 words before MAY 1, 2003. This abstract should be
emailed in plain text to Decisions about
acceptance will be announced by June 15, 2003. A full version of the
paper should be submitted by September 1, 2003.


Greetings on behalf of the organizing committee,


Andreas Flache

Wander Jager

Marco Janssen

Kees Zoethout



Dr. Marco A. Janssen

Center for the Study of Institutions, Population, and Environmental

Indiana University
408 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408-3799

Voice: (812) 855 5178

Fax: (812) 855 2634

e-mail: <>




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