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ABS4: Last call for participation (GRANTS)

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Subject: ABS4: Last call for participation (GRANTS)
From: Jean-Pierre Müller (
Date: Sun Apr 06 2003 - 09:52:05 CEST

                            2nd Call for Participation

                                      NEW :
                                INVITED SPEAKERS
                             SOME SCHEDULE CHANGES
                       GRANTS FOR PHD STUDENTS AVAILABLE !
                             (See below for details)

                           Agent-Based Simulation 4

                            SCS-Europe and CIRAD
           the 4th International Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation
                           Montpellier, France

                            April 28-30, 2003


Workshop topics

Research in the domain of multi-agent systems (MAS) is becoming more
and more important
because of the capacity of MAS to design and simulate complex systems,
i.e. systems
composed of many entities in interaction between themselves and with an
environment. MAS are used in many domains in which classical
mathematical models are not
available because either the dynamics are far from equilibrium, or the
systems are open
(creation and deletion of entities in the course of simulation), or
emergent phenomena have to
be explored, or the entities are heterogeneous (for example, the
eco-socio-systems which
combine ecological and social dynamics), or simply because they provide
a more intuitive
understanding. The workshop is intended to offer a forum for people
interested in agent-based
simulation to discuss methodologies, techniques and applications.

Conference Committee

Program Chairman
Jean-Pierre Müller, CIRAD, France

Program committee (to confirm)
Penny-Anne Baillie, Australia
Brahim Chaib-Draa, Canada
Rosaria Conte, Italy
Alexis Drogoul, France
Julie Dugdale, France
Bernard Espinasse, France
Jacques Ferber, France
Marco Gallegati, Italy
Nigel Gilbert, United Kingdom
Wander Jager, The Netherlands
Marco Janssen, USA
Hans-Joachim Mosler, Switzerland
Van Dyke Parunak, USA
Henri Pierreval, France
Nicole Saam, Germany
Bernd Schmidt, Germany
Thomas Uthmann, Germany

Organisation committee
Jean-Pierre Müller, France
Pierre Bommel, France
Rainer Rimane, Germany
Béa Randon, France
Martina-Maria Seidel, Germany

Workshop program

Monday april 28.2003

9h-9h30 Registration

9h30-10h30 Invited speaker
Are Fuzzy Agents Better Models of Human Actors K. G. Troitzsch
in Social Simulations?

11h00-12h30 Concepts and implementation for MAS simulation
Integrating Agents into HLA-Based Distributed Virtual Environments Fang
Wang, Stephen John Turner,
        Lihua Wang
A multi-agent architecture for agents clustering R. Coma, G. Simon, M.
Agent/Group/Roles : Simulating with organizations J.Ferber & al.

12h30-14h00 Lunch
14h00-15h30 Water management
Applying the consumat model to flood management policies L. Brouwers,
H. Verhagen
Implementing the agent-group-role architecture in an irrigation
water G. Abrami, O. Barreteau, F. Cernesson,
management application S. Lardon
Coordination for contract realisation in the hydraulic management of N.
Franchesquin, B. Espinasse, J. Serment
the Camargue

15h30-16h00 Coffee break

16h00-17h30 Traffic
Agent Based Traffic Signals on a basic grid J. Mikat, E. Brockfield, P.
Car Platoons Simulated as a Multiagent System S. Hallé, B. Chaib-draa,
J. Laumonier
The information dependability for evacuee on multi-agent based M.
Fujioka, K. Ishibashi
simulation model

17h30-19h00 Town visit

19h00- Dinner

Tuesday april 29. 2003

9h-9h30 Registration

9h30-10h30 Cognitive science
Dialogue Between non-task oriented agents J.P. Sansonnet, E. Valencia
AFRODITE - A Framework for Simulation of Agents with Emotions D.F.
Adamatti, A.L.C. Bazzan

10h30-11h00 Coffee break

11h00-12h30 Sociology
Ethos : a mas framework for modelling human social behavior and J.
Simao, L. Moniz Pereira
Agent based process simulation and metaphors based approach M. Remondino
for entreprise and social moddelling
Neoclassical versus Schumpeterian approaches to learning : a M Boisot,
A. Canals, I. MacMillan
knowledge-based simulation approach

12h30-14h00 Lunch

14h00-15h00 Application I
Statistical Validation of Spatial Patterns in Agent-Based
Models W.Rand, D.Brown, S.Page, R.Riolo,
        L.Fernandez , M.Zellner
A multi-agent simulation model for the analysis of short term J.C.
Soulié, O. Thébaud
fisheries dynamics

15h00-15h30 Coffee break

15h30-16h30 Application II
Agent-based modeling and simulation of computer network attacks I.
Kotenko, E. Man'kov
Exploring Decentralized Resource Allocation in Application Layer T.
Eymann, M. Reinicke

16h30-18h00 Poster session
The reflective Control of Cognition and Emotion R. Malte, B. Schmidt
The TurtelKit Simulation Platform : Application to Multi-Level F.
Michel, G. Beurier, J. Ferber
Potential agents' interaction networks F. Amblard, G. Deffuant
Weak Interaction and Strong Interaction in Agent Based Simulations F.
Michel, A. Gouaïch, J. Ferber
A substrate model for global guidance of software agents N. Guionnet,
G. Gouardères
A heterogeneous multi agent modelling for distributed simulation :
an O. Labarthe, E. Tranvouez, A. Ferrarini,
application to supply chain B. Espinasse
Computer Mediated Cummunication and Organizational Culture : an E.
Canessa, R. L. Riolo
Agent-based Simulation Model

18h00-19h00 Visit of Agropolis Museum

19h00- Gala dinner

Wednesday april 30. 2003

  9h-9h30 Registration

9h30-10h30 Invited speaker
Agent-Based and individual-based modelling and simulation in E. Ramat

10h30-11h00 Coffee break

11h00-12h30 Economy
Small Worlds and Phase Trandition in Agent Based Models with D. Phan
Binary Choices
A percolation approach of the global market integration in a S. Pajot
multi-agent model
Modelling the bass diffusion process using an agent-based approach G.M.
Holanda, G.P.B. Gerolamo,
        J.H.Z. Franco…

12h30-14h00 Lunch
14h00-15h30 Application III
Interaction scenario : orchestrating agents in a multi agent system Z.
Zhao, D. van Albada, P. Sloot
Container World : Glabal agent-based modelling of the container P.
Sinha-Ray, J. Carter, T. Field,
transport business J. Marshall, J. Polak…
Agent-based simulation of the amplification of demand variability in T.
Moyaux, B. Chaib-draa, S. D'Amours
a supply chain
Agent-based simulation in construction K.D. Walsh, A. Sawhney

General Information


Two kinds of PhD student grants are available :
_ Travel and stay : the condition is to be member of an AgentLink Node
(ask to your
lab) ;
_ Registration : the condition is to be french speaking or related to
french research.
The priority will be given to students having a paper or a poster.
The requests must be sent to

The conference will take place in Agropolis, Montpellier, France.
Montpellier is located in the
south of France very near from the mediterrenian sea. It is easily
reachable by plane
(Montpellier-Méditerranée international airport) and by train (3h15
from Paris by TGV).

Workshop participants are requested to make their own arrangements. A
number of rooms
have been appointed in various hotels of the center. Please see our
web-site for information
about accommodation in Montpellier.

Organisation contact
Rainer Rimane
University Erlangen _ Informatik 10
Cauerstrasse 6
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone +49 (0)9131 – 85 27 89 6
Fax +49 (0)9131 – 66 24 7

Further information


Situated on the "via domitia" joining Rome to Spain in the roman time,
Montpellier has been
founded between the 10th and the 12th century by jews, muslims and
christians giving place to
tolerance and fraternity. In 1220, the first "universitas medicorum" of
the world is founded
and the university itself in 1289 by the pope Nicolas IV. The town
exhibits a varied
architecture from the old middle age town to the post-modern quarter of
Antigone by the
architect Riccardo Bofill, going through the XVIIIth century
architecture of the Peyrou garden
and justice palace and the hausmanian style of the Comedy square, one
of largest pedestrian
square of Europe.
Nowadays, Montpellier is becoming an important pole of attraction for
many people (about
20’000 arriving each year) wishing to enjoy the sunny and dynamic
atmosphere of this
increasingly important academic town. The region is also the largest
wine producing region of

Jean-Pierre Muller
Senior Researcher tel.:
       +33 (0)4 67 59 38 28
CIRAD-TERA-REV-GREEN secr.: +33 (0)4
67 59 38 39
73, av. Jean-Francois Breton fax:
+33 (0)4 67 59 38 27
34070 Montpellier cedex 5 - France web:
Associate Researcher to:
LIRMM e-mail:
161, rue Ada tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 86 07
34392 Montpellier cedex 5 - France web:

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