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Fw: modelling post in Cameroon

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Subject: Fw: modelling post in Cameroon
From: francois bousquet (
Date: Tue Dec 24 2002 - 07:19:52 CET

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Legg, Christopher (IITACA) []
> Sent: Monday, 9 December 2002 18:56
> Subject: FLORES modelling post in Cameroon
> <snip>
> The EU-funded ASB modelling project in Cameroon is funded up to the end of
> November 2003. The EU contract requires that we deliver working models of
> villages in the humid forest benchmark area, plus an attempt at
> model results to the whole of the benchmark. I have almost
> completed the first "real" village model, for Awae, which has the smallest
> population and simplest land tenure system amongst the three study
villages. I
> now expect this model to be completed by the end of January. Collection of
> data for Akok village is essentially complete, and it may be possible to
> complete the Akok model by early April. The third village, Nkometou, has
> largest population and the most complex mix of land-use. Field work in
> village is still a long way from complete. I plan to assign a second
> technician there from the beginning of January, so field data collection
> be completed by the end of March.
> We urgently need to hire someone to take over the modelling work from me
> early April. This person would be paid from funds remaining in the ASB
> with a salary around US$30,000 per year, plus housing, medical insurance,
> passages to and from Cameroon. Ideally, this person should start here by
> beginning of March 2003, so as to be able to work with me before my
departure in
> April. I would then continue to supervise and advise the modelling project
> remotely from Nigeria. The post would be until the end of November 2003,
> perhaps slightly longer if we can arrange the finances.
> Please inform Chris Legg ( if you know of anyone who
> undertake this work, and publish this vacancy by any means that you have
> available. We will be advertising this post through standard IITA channels
> due course, but this takes time.
> Chris Legg

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